1. New Born Baby Abandoned By Her Mother In Kaduna With Written Note

    creative writing on the abandoned baby

  2. Love letter to all you beautiful abandoned children

    creative writing on the abandoned baby

  3. Story Of An Abandoned Baby Even Without A Name Will Restore Your Faith

    creative writing on the abandoned baby

  4. How baby boxes work

    creative writing on the abandoned baby

  5. Abandonment Grade 9 creative writing

    creative writing on the abandoned baby

  6. Dream About Abandoned Baby: Unraveling the Subconscious Cry for Attention

    creative writing on the abandoned baby


  1. Abandoned baby, I don't know what to do

  2. On the way home Suddenly met an abandoned baby, Saved the baby from hunger

  3. Baby boy abandoned for days outside Springfield home

  4. Full 30-day video of the process of picking up the baby and taking care of the abandoned baby

  5. The journey to find parents for the abandoned baby

  6. FULL VIDEO-7 day of orphan girl rescuing abandoned baby and harvesting agricultural products to sell