Mar 30, 2023 · A biography of Susan B. Anthony, for example, could mention that her actions and beliefs influenced generations of women and their continued fight for gender equality. A conclusion of the biography of Albert Einstein could mention that his theories and publications have influenced the development of quantum theory and generations of scientists ... ... For example, if you came out of hardship and have created a meaningful life that helps others, then stability is a good thing to use as a conclusion. If, on the other hand, you’re writing about the lessons you’ve learned in life, then those lessons never really stop coming. Being pliable would be a good conclusion in that instance. ... How to Write a Conclusion to an Essay ... Autobiography is a form of narrative dealing with the self- it tells one's life story or recounts important events and themes up to the time of writing ... ... When writing a book in the autobiography format to tell the story of your life, end with a thought-provoking conclusion that leaves a lasting impact. As a professional writer crafting vivid memories into a narrative that tells your story, the conclusion of your autobiography should prompt deeper reflection. Avoid simply stating The End. ... Don't restate facts or examples you mention in your paper; explain how those experiences paved a place in history. For example, if you're writing a conclusion to a biography about Bonnie Parker -- Clyde Barrow's partner in crime during the Great Depression -- explain how she revolutionized societal views of women. ... Jun 25, 2018 · An autobiographical essay is a narrative that exudes self-reflection, introspection and individual experience. In addition to the meat of the essay, it is imperative to have a strong conclusion. ... How to Write and End an Autobiography. British science fiction writer H.G. Wells titled his life story Experiment in Autobiography: Discoveries and Conclusions of a Very Ordinary Brain. Despite his success as a novelist, his life was, he insisted, not much different than those of millions of others. Ninety-nine point ... ... Jan 9, 2024 · Autobiography conclusion example Looking back on my life, I am proud of what I have accomplished and grateful for the opportunities that have been presented to me. Summarize and connect your stories Through determination, hard work, and a passion for learning, I have overcome numerous obstacles and achieved my academic goals. ... This guide will help you craft an impactful conclusion for your autobiography by exploring various techniques, offering examples, and providing strategies to wrap up your narrative meaningfully. Key Takeaways. Reflect on significant life events to shape a thoughtful conclusion. Connect moments with themes and personal growth. ... ">
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How to Write a Conclusion for a Biography

Last Updated: March 30, 2023 References

This article was co-authored by Alexander Peterman, MA . Alexander Peterman is a Private Tutor in Florida. He received his MA in Education from the University of Florida in 2017. There are 13 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 120,927 times.

Biographies offer readers a unique glimpse into the lives of others. Some biographies are supportive, while others are critical. Some observe a life through a political perspective, while others are told through the context of history and particular circumstances. However the story is told, the biography’s conclusion should offer the readers a sense of closure. If you describe the subject’s legacy, incorporate personal details, and support your main thesis, you can write a successful conclusion for a biography.

Reminding the Reader of the Subject’s Importance

Step 1 Summarize the subject's most memorable actions.

  • A conclusion in Jane Austen’s biography, for example, should mention that she wrote 6 novels, some of which are regarded among the memorable and influential works of English literature. [2] X Research source

Step 2 Describe the subject's impact.

  • A biography about Martin Luther, the 16th-century monk who lead the Protestant Reformation, should mention his impact on the development of religious beliefs throughout Europe. Not only did he challenge the ruling Catholic Church, but he made the Bible more accessible to all individuals, not just the clergy. A conclusion should mention that his actions influenced religious beliefs during the Renaissance.

Step 3 Discuss the subject's legacy.

  • A biography of Susan B. Anthony, for example, could mention that her actions and beliefs influenced generations of women and their continued fight for gender equality.
  • A conclusion of the biography of Albert Einstein could mention that his theories and publications have influenced the development of quantum theory and generations of scientists who work toward unifying his theories of the universe. [4] X Research source
  • A biography of author Upton Sinclair could mention that his novel The Jungle influenced the American public health system and helped create laws for regulating the food and drug industries. [5] X Research source
  • For instance, a biography written by your grandmother may focus on how moving to a metropolitan area when she got married changed her perspective on women in the workforce.
  • If you’re writing the biography about yourself , note the greatest life lessons you’ve learned or the biggest achievements you’ve had so far.

Including Personal Details

Step 1 Humanize the subject.

  • Discuss how they loved visiting their grandmother, or mention that their favorite place was a quiet cabin in the mountains.

Step 2 Mention their challenges.

  • The late Nelson Mandela led an influential, prominent, and successful life as a South African activist and former president. Although he earned many awards and honors, he admitted that he was not a very good student when he was trying to earn a law degree. [8] X Research source A reader may be able to better understand that Nelson Mandela had to work hard during his life.

Step 3 Describe their hobbies or passions.

  • Weave their personal interests into the conclusion by acknowledging how those interests influenced their work or life decisions.

Bringing It All Together

Step 1 Recap your key points.

  • Briefly remind the audience of the key points that influenced your thesis. Perhaps your subject moved a lot as a child, and you believe the subject’s bestselling novels were influenced by this. Point out that the main character in the novel is often on the go, and that was the basis for your thesis.

Step 2 Refrain from introducing new ideas or details.

  • If you believed that the subject’s actions later in life were a result of their experiences during war, briefly reassert what major decisions you think were affected. Perhaps they participated in anti-war protests, founded an organization that promotes peace, and worked to uphold human rights. Make a note that their actions revolved around establishing peace.
  • Remind the reader what makes the subject unique or special and what life events demonstrate these qualities.

Step 4 Avoid using transitional phrases.

  • Instead of saying, "in conclusion," try to provide your reader with a subtle transition instead. Conclude by saying, "Because of the magic and popularity of her novels, I believe that J.K. Rowling will continue to influence young readers for generations to come."

Step 5 Use direct quotes from your subject if they will strengthen your thesis.

  • This is an exception to the rule of not adding new information to the conclusion, as quotes shouldn’t be repeated throughout the biography.

Step 6 Provide closure.

  • Conclude with a sense of hope or continued progress. Allow your reader to imagine that this person’s life story will continue influence the lives of others. If your subject is still alive, for example, provide a hopeful ending by saying “Elizabeth continues to fight for the rights of those who have been repressed by being a vocal leader in the United States Senate.”

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Alexander Peterman, MA

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Alexander Peterman, MA

Writing the conclusion of your biography assignment is an opportunity to bring your points together and leave a lasting impression on your readers. Use your conclusion to summarize your subject’s achievements and the impact they had on the world. For example, if you're writing a paper about Jane Austen, you could mention her influence on modern literature and the lasting popularity of her novels. You can also revisit the opening scene or a key event from your biography to link your conclusion back to your introduction. If you find a good quote from your subject or one of their critics that highlights your thesis, include this in your conclusion. For more tips from our Educational co-author, including how to include examples to support your thesis, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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example conclusion in autobiography

How to Write An Autobiography Conclusion

How To Write An Autobiography Conclusion

Writing an autobiography can seem pretty easy… that is until you reach the conclusion.

Because this is the story of your life, it can be hard to let this work go. It’s almost like you’re killing yourself by creating a conclusion to your story.

Knowing how to write an autobiography conclusion can help you be able to bring your story to a natural close, provide hope for the future, and let your life make the impact you want it to make.

Here’s how you can create a natural conclusion that will encourage you as much as it encourages your readers.

How Do You Want To Represent Your Life?

There are two basic ways that an autobiography can be concluded:

  • You can show that your life is unfinished and you’re always evolving into something new.
  • You can show that you’ve reached a place where you feel like your work is finished and that life is stable.

Which type of conclusion you choose should be based on the message you’re trying to offer readers about your life.

For example, if you came out of hardship and have created a meaningful life that helps others, then stability is a good thing to use as a conclusion.

If, on the other hand, you’re writing about the lessons you’ve learned in life, then those lessons never really stop coming. Being pliable would be a good conclusion in that instance.

Are There Loose Ends To Tie Up?

An autobiography can include numerous themes and ideas. Not every story offered has a conclusion within the body text of your story. The conclusion then becomes the best place for you to tie up any loose ends that still remain.

As you are tying up these loose ends, it is still completely appropriate to keep asking questions. Resolving a lingering issue in life often creates new issues that must be addressed. Think about some of the questions your readers might have after reading your autobiography and then try to answer them within the pages of your conclusion.

What Is It That You Believe?

Many autobiographies often wrap up with an overview of personal philosophies and faith. Convictions and lessons learned become friendly advice to the reader. Summarizing these beliefs can be a good way to wrap up an autobiography, but so can a willingness to question what your core ideals happen to be.

The fact is that we should always be questioning ourselves in thought, word, and deed. Every new day we are offered becomes an opportunity to be a little bit better than the day before.

You don’t need to state your deepest beliefs in order to get this type of message across to a reader. Sometimes just putting the questions you ask yourself into print can take the reader on a similar journey to your own.

How Are You Different?

Your life is unique. You created an autobiography for that very reason. How can you distinguish yourself from other people who have had similar life experiences or lessons they have learned?

By seizing on what makes you truly unique, you’ll create a natural conclusion that will have readers focusing on your ideology, strengths, and accomplishments more than anything else.

This doesn’t mean you should avoid mentioning your weaknesses. Weakness must be acknowledged before it can be overcome. By making sure you recognize who you are as a whole person, you’ll be able to inspire others to do the same through the words of your autobiography conclusion.

How Can Your Readers Take Action?

If you’ve got a reader who has managed to make it to the conclusion of your autobiography, then it is pretty safe to assume that they have thinking patterns that are similar to your own. This gives you the opportunity to use your conclusion as an opportunity for a call to action.

There are numerous ways that a reader can be inspired to do something. Sometimes this means getting involved with a charitable cause. It might mean inspiring the reader to chase their own dreams, even if they’d given up on them years before.

Think about what the message is that you’re trying to convey and then encourage the reader to take action in their own lives based on what you’ve been discussing.

Although knowing how to write an autobiography conclusion might feel like the closing chapter of life, it really is the opposite. The conclusion is the first chapter toward something that is brand new. Think about these various options, choose the one that is right for you, and then let your life teach others an important lesson.

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–Developing an overall theme

–Outlining your autobiography

–Choosing a winning title

–Best autobiography layouts

–Autobiography marketing strategy and more!

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How to End An Autobiography

How do you end the narrative in a thoughtful way while giving readers a sense of closure? An impactful conclusion for an autobiography should take the major life events and milestones and reflect on their deeper meaning. Your closing thoughts should connect the central themes that made your journey unique.


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This guide will outline techniques for creating a compelling yet natural ending that both satisfies the reader and provokes further thought. Master these methods to give the conclusion of your memoir the significance it deserves.

How To End An Autobiography

Writing the conclusion for an autobiography gives you a valuable chance to process your experiences and tie together the central themes of your story.

Follow these crucial guidelines when crafting this integral section:

Reflect on Your Journey

Making enough time for self-reflection is important. Looking back thoughtfully on unique experiences that sparked personal growth can help you share impactful closing thoughts.

  • What core beliefs and priorities formed over time?
  • Which surprising changes had the biggest impact?
  • What seemed most important when looking back from where you are now?

Describing important personal growth stages and differences between how you used to think and how you think now can help clarify your closing remarks.

Highlight Key Moments

Share meaningful memories that represent important life moments that greatly changed your direction. The stories you highlight should capture key life lessons or realizations that influenced who you are.

For example, major events may have created feelings like:

  • Feeling stronger after going through something terrible
  • Realizing life can suddenly change, even when things seem stable
  • Appreciating how quickly time passes, and life is precious

Choose brief but vivid anecdotes that relay these themes through specific emotional details other readers can visualize and relate to based on shared human experiences.

Express Gratitude

Though autobiography templates may not include it, taking a few first-person perspective sentences to express gratitude about meaningful personal experiences with family members or figures who shaped lessons you’ve learned can create uplifting closure. This writing technique allows the autobiographical format to reflect on the person’s entire life story from birth to the present.

Professional writers understand concluding by revisiting key relationships through an appreciative, intimate lens briefly can resonant with readers after covering preceding life events or hardships in an autobiography draft. It provides emotional closure tied to the presented author’s life journey and wider writing process. 

Share Lessons Learned

When writing a book like an autobiography covering your personal narrative, including a Lessons Learned section towards the conclusion allows the author to reflect on personal, professional or emotional insights gained from one’s life story journey so far. Much like the overall narrative and writing style pulls readers into past experiences, closing by listing the most impactful lessons shaped over time shows growth between earlier choices and current/future mindset.

This paper-writing ritual gives form to inner shifts that define you. Whether humorous or weighty takeaways on purpose relating to priorities and relationships, conveying wisdom forged through obstacles faced imparts enduring meaning. Readers close the cover feeling deeply after absorbing this roadmap built through loss, love, struggles, and joys of self-evolution.

Focus on Emotional Closure

When concluding your autobiography essay, telling the story of your life, impactfully focus the final paragraphs on emotional closure to immerse the reader through an intimate lens. This is much like preceding autobiographical essays established poignant scenes from your past. Useful tips on writing involve processing unresolved feelings so readers feel narrative cohesion tied to your unique journey.

Given life’s messy nature, emphasizing ongoing aspirations or coming to terms provides tidy closure regarding personal evolution or emotional understanding. Exposing vulnerability around next-phase dreams/goals as relates to relationships/purpose inspires continued support of your story regardless of the tone. This strategy can encourage the reader to be immersed in your narrative.

Connect with Your Beginning

Creating a link between how your story starts and finishes helps your memoir feel like one whole story rather than separate stories. Use:

Direct References

  • Refer back directly to key scenes from when you were younger
  • Revisit childhood milestones that show early personality traits
  • Talk again about settings where you first had eye-opening moments

Symbolic Threads

  • Incorporate symbolic images that have a deeper meaning
  • Return to emotional patterns or states that repeat
  • Emphasize core beliefs that you always turned to

These tactics naturally tie your past to the present and highlight your lasting essence. Readers see the core parts that define you.

Look Toward the Future

When ending an autobiography, authors should look toward the future rather than abruptly concluding. Autobiographies typically chronicle one’s life experiences, but the conclusion allows space to share hopes and plans for the writing journey ahead. By outlining upcoming projects, envisioning a legacy, or expressing the desire to impart wisdom, the autobiography is a story that propels forward with possibility.

Addressing questions about the future infuses English literature autobiographical books with momentum. Drawing from life experiences, the author can inspire the next generation while acknowledging their own ongoing growth. This future-oriented approach creates an engaging conclusion that leaves readers anticipating the author’s next chapter.

Consider Your Audience

When determining which reflections or parting words will constitute your final paragraphs, keep centrally in mind whom you wish your memoir’s message to resonate with.

If penning for your progeny, what are the most cherished life lessons and values you hope to pass down? Include these front and center.

If memorializing for public audiences, what universal epiphanies and turns of phrase might provide validating comfort for those weathering similar storms?

Customizing your closing sentiments for intended readers amplifies potency and reception.

Stay True to Your Voice

When writing your autobiography, it’s crucial to stay true to your authentic voice throughout the format and structure of the book. While examples of memoirs may provide inspiration, your story is uniquely yours. Avoid trying to emulate the style of others or conform to a rigid argumentative essay format.

Allow your genuine personality, experiences, and perspectives to shine through the narrative. An autobiography should read like an intimate conversation with the reader, not a scholarly treatise. Embrace your natural storytelling abilities, use your distinctive voice, and craft a memoir that only you could have written.

End with a Thought-Provoking Conclusion

When writing a book in the autobiography format to tell the story of your life, end with a thought-provoking conclusion that leaves a lasting impact. As a professional writer crafting vivid memories into a narrative that tells your story, the conclusion of your autobiography should prompt deeper reflection.

Avoid simply stating The End. Instead, include an insightful musing, call to action, or profound unanswered question that lingers with readers. A memorable conclusion reminds them an autobiography not only records events but imparts wisdom about the human experience. Whether for public or personal consumption, conclude by provoking contemplation about life’s greater themes and truths.

For example:

  • “I realize now the most untrodden paths often diverge not due to intentional choice but fear of questioning the wisdom of well-trodden trails.”
  • “My end goal shifted from reaching some ill-defined vanishing point on the horizon to learning how to walk wisely in the moment without losing sight of each step’s significance.”

Open-ended rumination allows your singular journey’s meaning to organically transform into a mirror whereby others find self-recognition.

Autobiography Conclusion Example

To demonstrate an impactful conclusion grounded in authentic nursing experiences, see the following excerpts:

How to Write An Autobiography Conclusion

As you near the end of the writing process for your autobiography, carefully consider how to craft a resonant and meaningful conclusion. Rather than simply following a standard autobiography template or personal essay format, take this opportunity to share culminating insights, perspectives, and lessons you’ve learned from recounting your author’s life journey.

The conclusion allows you to impart profound truths that transcend just documenting facts and events. Implement thoughtful writing techniques like thematic connections, rhetorical questions, or profound statements that prompt self-reflection in readers. A powerful conclusion can transform your autobiography from a mere narrative into a catalyst for personal growth for those who engage with your story.

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How to write an autobiography

Picture of Asena Kocakusak

  • January 9, 2024

An autobiography essay is simply writing about your personal experiences or a specific event, but not a story of your whole life. 

Although the   writing process may take a lot of time, it’s easy to overcome with a good preparation and planning.  Let’s first look at how to structure an autobiography essay.

essay outline structure

Autobiography introduction

When starting an autobiography essay, follow the usual essay format;  introduction , body , and conclusion . The introduction is one of the most important parts as you need to engage the reader and keep them reading more at this part.

Follow these steps to write a good introduction.

Autobiography introduction example


  • Inform the reader about the topic of the autobiography essay
  • Present your thesis statement
  • Grab the readers attention with a hook sentence

Writing the body paragraphs

Autobiography body paragraphs example.

  • Mention a different specific event in each paragraph.
  • Use simple and understandable language.
  • Make sure that your essay is in a logical structure by writing down all your memories and details chronologically.

Autobiography conclusion

The conclusion part is just as important as the introduction as you summarize your story and discuss the conclusions from your experiences. You can also leave a meaningful impression on the reader by sharing what your experiences have taught you so far.

Look at the conclusion example below: 

Autobiography conclusion example

Steps to writing an autobiography, step 1: brainstorm and choose a main idea.

Start writing by brainstorming your memories and experiences. 

You may write about an important event that has made an impact in your life, an achievement or your life philosophy. But don’t forget to fo cus on only a single event, person, memory, and place..

Step 2: Research and create an outline

Research to recall the memories you have chosen. You can get help from family members and friends to remember details, as well as, if possible, look at old photos, archives, or letters. 

Now you’ll see the outline of the example essay above.

Autobiography outline example

  • Thesis statement (Main idea)
  • Earned scholarship to attend college
  • Pursued additional courses and certifications to expand knowledge
  • Volunteering has taught the value of service and helping others
  • Will continue to make a positive impact in the world.

If you create an outline before writing, you’ll make the writing process easier. By following your outline, you won’t forget the main ideas that you’ll cover. 

Step 3: Write your first draft

After you have all your plans organized, you can now start trying out your first draft. In case you want to improve your sentences, use a rewording tool . It uses AI to enhance your content while following its context.

Step 4: Proofread and refine

Once you’ve completed your autobiography essay, start editing. Check carefully to correct grammar, spelling , punctuation, etc. errors and make improvements. 

Make use of known software such as Editpad , Grammarly , Scribbr , etc. before submitting your autobiography. 

Key takeaways

  • Use first-person narrative voice
  • Make your language simple and sincere
  • Choose an important experience that has shaped your life
  • Detail your background information
  • Share a failure that you overcame
  • Find a creative title for your essay

Picture of Asena Kocakusak

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How to Write an Autobiography Conclusion

Crafting the conclusion of your autobiography is one of the most critical aspects of your storytelling. The end of your life story is not simply about summarizing events but about offering reflections on your journey, highlighting the milestones that shaped you, and leaving your readers with lasting insights. A strong conclusion has the power to resonate deeply with readers, leaving them with a thoughtful and memorable takeaway.


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This guide will help you craft an impactful conclusion for your autobiography by exploring various techniques, offering examples, and providing strategies to wrap up your narrative meaningfully.

Key Takeaways

  • Reflect on significant life events to shape a thoughtful conclusion.
  • Connect moments with themes and personal growth.
  • Use a blend of storytelling techniques to create an engaging and lasting impression.

Crafting the Perfect Conclusion for Your Life Story

When concluding your autobiography, the final moments of your narrative should leave a profound impact on readers. Whether you’ve led a life of triumph, hardship, or somewhere in between, your conclusion needs to tie together the experiences you’ve shared while offering personal reflections that add deeper meaning.

Reflecting on Key Milestones

Begin by reflecting on the most significant moments of your life that have shaped your personal growth. This might include overcoming obstacles, achieving major milestones, or simply experiencing a series of events that changed the way you view the world. Autobiographies often revolve around key experiences, and your conclusion is the place to revisit those moments with a new perspective.

For example, let’s say you had a pivotal experience while traveling that changed the course of your career. In your conclusion, you might reflect on how that experience reshaped your goals and offered clarity on your purpose. This reflection gives readers insight into how personal growth is often spurred by unexpected events.

Summarizing the Themes of Your Journey

Many autobiographies are built around specific themes—whether it’s resilience, love, perseverance, or overcoming adversity. As you near the conclusion of your autobiography, it’s essential to revisit these themes to remind readers of the central messages of your story.

Ask yourself:

  • What were the recurring themes of my journey?
  • How did my experiences shape my beliefs and personal philosophies?
  • What life lessons emerged as the most significant?

By summarizing these themes in your conclusion, you provide readers with a sense of closure, as they can clearly see how your life experiences have reinforced or challenged your core values. For example, if your life was centered around perseverance, you might reflect on how each obstacle you faced reaffirmed your determination to continue moving forward.

Expressing Personal Growth and Self-Discovery

A conclusion is an ideal place to reflect on the personal growth you’ve experienced over time. This reflection is often one of the most powerful parts of an autobiography, as it showcases how the author has evolved through the years. Personal growth is not always linear—there may be setbacks and moments of doubt—but these moments are essential to understanding the full scope of your development.

Consider how your beliefs, values, or goals may have shifted over time. Did you begin your life with one set of priorities, only to have them change as you experienced more of the world? Reflecting on this journey of self-discovery provides readers with a relatable narrative of transformation, one that inspires them to reflect on their own lives as well.

Emphasizing Memorable Experiences

Memorable moments and experiences in your life story are often the ones that leave the biggest impact on your readers. These experiences serve as key markers of your growth, illustrating how you’ve evolved through the years. Your conclusion should revisit these moments, not in a repetitive manner, but with the added layer of reflection.

For example, if your autobiography details a career filled with ups and downs, you can use the conclusion to reflect on how those experiences shaped your professional growth. Rather than just recounting these moments, focus on the lessons they taught you, such as the importance of resilience, adaptability, or learning from failure.

Connecting the Past to the Present

A powerful conclusion often ties the beginning of the autobiography to the present moment. By connecting your past experiences with your present-day beliefs, you create a cohesive narrative that feels complete. This technique is particularly effective when you can draw direct parallels between your early life and where you are now.

For instance, if you began your autobiography by discussing a childhood dream, the conclusion is the perfect place to revisit that dream. Did you achieve it, or did your aspirations change along the way? By reflecting on this journey from start to finish, you provide readers with a sense of closure and fulfillment.

Conveying Beliefs and Values in Conclusions

The conclusion is the perfect space to share your core beliefs and values. This is where you can reflect on the accomplishments that defined your journey and the convictions that have guided you. Your readers have traveled with you through your story, and the conclusion is your chance to offer them a deeper understanding of your personal philosophy.

Highlighting Your Core Ideals

As you reach the end of your autobiography, consider what your core ideals are. What principles have guided you through life’s challenges? Whether it’s perseverance, honesty, or compassion, the conclusion is an opportunity to articulate these values clearly.

For example:

“Throughout my life, I’ve learned that the most important value is integrity. No matter the challenge, staying true to myself has been my guiding light.”

This kind of reflection adds depth to your narrative, allowing readers to connect with the principles that have shaped your decisions.

Sharing Personal Philosophies

Your personal philosophy is likely shaped by the lessons you’ve learned along the way. In your conclusion, reflect on these lessons learned and share how they’ve influenced your worldview. This can be an opportunity to offer friendly advice to readers, encouraging them to apply these principles to their own lives.

“If I could leave one piece of advice to those who read my story, it would be to never give up on what you believe in. Life may throw unexpected challenges your way, but staying true to your convictions will lead you to the right path.”

This type of conclusion not only wraps up your personal story but also leaves readers with a sense of inspiration and motivation.

Incorporating Faith and Ideology

If your journey has been influenced by faith or a specific ideology, the conclusion is the perfect place to reflect on how these beliefs have played a role in your personal growth. Consider how your faith guided you through difficult times or how your ideology shaped your approach to life’s challenges.

For example, if your faith was a central part of your life, you might conclude with:

“My faith has always been a source of strength for me. It has carried me through the darkest moments and reminded me to stay hopeful, no matter how difficult the journey.”

This reflection adds another layer of meaning to your autobiography, giving readers insight into the spiritual or ideological foundations that supported your journey.

Encouraging Reader Action Through Conclusions

The conclusion of your autobiography can be more than just a reflection on your past—it can also serve as a call to action for your readers. By sharing your personal experiences and insights, you have the power to motivate and inspire others to take action in their own lives.

Encouraging Readers to Chase Their Dreams

One of the most impactful ways to end your autobiography is by encouraging your readers to chase their own dreams. If your story is one of perseverance and determination, use your conclusion to inspire readers to take bold steps toward their goals.

“My hope is that my story serves as a reminder that no dream is too big, and no obstacle too great. Chase your dreams with passion and purpose, and never let fear hold you back.”

This type of conclusion leaves readers feeling motivated and empowered to pursue their own aspirations.

Directing Readers to Charitable Causes

If your autobiography touched on social issues or charitable causes that are important to you, the conclusion is a great place to encourage readers to get involved. By sharing personal anecdotes and experiences related to these causes, you can inspire readers to take action.

For instance:

“One of the most rewarding parts of my journey has been the opportunity to give back to my community. I encourage anyone reading this to find a cause they believe in and contribute in any way they can—whether through time, resources, or support.”

This type of call to action leaves readers with a sense of purpose, encouraging them to make a positive impact in the world.

Using Storytelling Techniques to Motivate Change

Through storytelling techniques like metaphors, analogies, and emotional appeals, you can craft a conclusion that not only wraps up your narrative but also motivates readers to reflect on their own lives. By highlighting universal struggles and triumphs, you create a narrative that resonates on a personal level with each reader.

“Life is like a winding river—it may take unexpected turns, but it always moves forward. My hope is that my journey reminds you to keep moving forward, no matter where the river takes you.”

This kind of conclusion uses imagery to leave a lasting impression, encouraging readers to embrace the journey of life with resilience and optimism.

Examples of Autobiography Conclusions

Choosing the right approach to end your autobiography is essential for leaving a lasting impression on your readers. Below are a few examples of how different writing techniques can be used to create a memorable conclusion:

Reflective Conclusion

A reflective conclusion revisits the key themes of your autobiography, allowing you to reflect on how your experiences have shaped who you are today.

“Looking back, I realize that every challenge I faced taught me a valuable lesson. These experiences shaped my values, my beliefs, and my outlook on life. As I move forward, I carry these lessons with me, always ready to face whatever comes next.”

Call to Action Conclusion

A call to action conclusion motivates readers to take the lessons from your story and apply them to their own lives.

“If my story can teach you anything, it’s that perseverance is key. No matter the obstacle, keep pushing forward. Don’t be afraid to chase your dreams, even when the path ahead seems uncertain.”

Philosophical Conclusion

A philosophical conclusion offers a deeper reflection on the meaning of your life journey and the universal truths you’ve discovered.

“In the end, life is not about the achievements we accumulate, but the connections we make along the way. It’s the love, the kindness, and the compassion we share that truly defines our legacy.”

Each of these approaches offers a different way to close your autobiography, depending on the tone and message you want to leave with your readers.

Writing a Reflective Ending for an Autobiography

A reflective ending emphasizes the growth and transformation you’ve experienced throughout your life. It allows you to look back on your journey with a new perspective, highlighting the transformative power of life’s challenges and triumphs.

Incorporating Flashbacks and Recurring Themes

In a reflective ending, you can use flashbacks to revisit key moments in your life. These flashbacks help you draw connections between your past and present, showing how certain events shaped your personal growth. Recurring themes can also be revisited to highlight how your beliefs and values evolved over time.

Focusing on Personal Growth and Future Aspirations

A reflective ending not only looks back on your life but also looks ahead to the future. Consider sharing your future aspirations and the lessons you plan to carry with you moving forward. This forward-looking perspective adds a sense of optimism and continuity to your conclusion.

Crafting the Final Part of Your Autobiography

To effectively conclude your autobiography, focus on integrating key elements such as insights, themes, and personal growth. This final step is crucial in transforming your story into an engaging and reflective narrative.

  • Reflect on themes that have emerged throughout your writing.
  • Highlight significant lessons or insights you’ve gained.
  • Consider using rhetorical questions to inspire reflection in your readers.
  • Incorporate vivid descriptions to make your conclusion more engaging.

By carefully crafting your conclusion, you leave readers with a meaningful and lasting impression of your journey.

Common Questions About Autobiography Endings

What are the essential components of an autobiography conclusion.

An impactful autobiography conclusion should summarize the journey you’ve shared, highlight key transformative events, and reflect on how these experiences shaped your personal growth. By doing so, you provide readers with closure while emphasizing the significance of your life’s journey.

How Can I Leave a Lasting Impression on Readers?

Incorporating vivid imagery, emotional anecdotes, or thoughtful reflections can help you leave a lasting impression. Consider revisiting a significant moment from your story and reflecting on its emotional impact, offering readers a sense of closure and resonance.

Should I Use Quotes in My Autobiography’s Ending?

Incorporating quotes can add depth and meaning to your conclusion, especially if they echo the main themes of your story. Select quotes that resonate with the lessons you’ve learned or that offer readers a final piece of wisdom to ponder.

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  1. How to Write an Autobiography Conclusion - Pen and the Pad

    For example, in the closing pages of her autobiography, "Beyond Innocence: An Autobiography in Letters," Dr. Jane Goodall enthusiastically advocates the worth of the youth-oriented conservation program for which she served as an overseer, Roots & Shoots, citing that it holds the power to make the world "a better place for all life, for all ...

  2. 3 Ways to Write a Conclusion for a Biography - wikiHow

    Mar 30, 2023 · A biography of Susan B. Anthony, for example, could mention that her actions and beliefs influenced generations of women and their continued fight for gender equality. A conclusion of the biography of Albert Einstein could mention that his theories and publications have influenced the development of quantum theory and generations of scientists ...

  3. How to Write An Autobiography Conclusion |

    For example, if you came out of hardship and have created a meaningful life that helps others, then stability is a good thing to use as a conclusion. If, on the other hand, you’re writing about the lessons you’ve learned in life, then those lessons never really stop coming. Being pliable would be a good conclusion in that instance.

  4. How To End An Autobiography -

    How to Write a Conclusion to an Essay ... Autobiography is a form of narrative dealing with the self- it tells one's life story or recounts important events and themes up to the time of writing ...

  5. How to End An Autobiography - My Writing Hub

    When writing a book in the autobiography format to tell the story of your life, end with a thought-provoking conclusion that leaves a lasting impact. As a professional writer crafting vivid memories into a narrative that tells your story, the conclusion of your autobiography should prompt deeper reflection. Avoid simply stating The End.

  6. How to Write a Conclusion for a Biography - Pen and the Pad

    Don't restate facts or examples you mention in your paper; explain how those experiences paved a place in history. For example, if you're writing a conclusion to a biography about Bonnie Parker -- Clyde Barrow's partner in crime during the Great Depression -- explain how she revolutionized societal views of women.

  7. What Is a Conclusion Sentence for an Autobiography?

    Jun 25, 2018 · An autobiographical essay is a narrative that exudes self-reflection, introspection and individual experience. In addition to the meat of the essay, it is imperative to have a strong conclusion.

  8. How to Write and End an Autobiography - Pen and the Pad

    How to Write and End an Autobiography. British science fiction writer H.G. Wells titled his life story Experiment in Autobiography: Discoveries and Conclusions of a Very Ordinary Brain. Despite his success as a novelist, his life was, he insisted, not much different than those of millions of others. Ninety-nine point ...

  9. Writing a Great Autobiography (Steps & Examples)

    Jan 9, 2024 · Autobiography conclusion example Looking back on my life, I am proud of what I have accomplished and grateful for the opportunities that have been presented to me. Summarize and connect your stories Through determination, hard work, and a passion for learning, I have overcome numerous obstacles and achieved my academic goals.

  10. How to Write an Autobiography Conclusion - NOTE AXIS

    This guide will help you craft an impactful conclusion for your autobiography by exploring various techniques, offering examples, and providing strategies to wrap up your narrative meaningfully. Key Takeaways. Reflect on significant life events to shape a thoughtful conclusion. Connect moments with themes and personal growth.