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Theory of Capital Markets: A Review of Literature

Profile image of Worapot "Warren Wu" Ongkrutaraksa

The main purpose of this essay is to revisit the relevant theory and evidence regarding the informationally efficient capital markets. It explores the normative theory of perfect capital markets, the stochastic notion of random walk, the martingale theory, and various forms of market efficiency under the efficient markets hypothesis (EMH). It also summarizes a large body of empirical studies that has attempted to test how efficient the actual capital markets have been information-wise relative to the normative criteria. Despite empirical evidence against these theories, however, efficiency in capital markets still remains high in short horizons, provided also that competition for information is high, and that professional traders who employ certain trading rules should not consistently outperform the markets.

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The concept of efficiency is central to finance. For many years, academics and economics have studied the concept of efficiency applied to capital markets, efficient market hypothesis (EMH) being a major research area in the specialized literature. There are many opposite views regarding the EMH, some of them rejecting it, other supporting it. But how it all started and the way studies evolved during the last decade is very important. This survey examines the growing body of empirical research on efficient market hypothesis. The conclusion of this article is that testing for market efficiency is difficult and there is a high possibility that, because of changes in market / economic conditions, new theoretical model should be developed to take into consideration all changes. As a reasons, it is important to continue the empirical studies to decide if capital markets are or are not informational efficient.

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