VB.Net Programming Tutorial

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VB.Net - Assignment Operators

There are following assignment operators supported by VB.Net −

Try the following example to understand all the assignment operators available in VB.Net −

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −

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Latest commit, file metadata and controls, assignment operators (visual basic).

The following are the assignment operators defined in Visual Basic.

^= Operator

*= Operator

/= Operator

\= Operator

+= Operator

-= Operator

<<= Operator

>>= Operator

&= Operator

  • Operator Precedence in Visual Basic
  • Operators Listed by Functionality

The Assignment Statement

Format: <variable name> = <expression>

The assignment statement causes the value of the expression on the right side of the equal sign to be stored in the variable specified on the left side of the equal sign.

An expression can be a constant, variable, or any valid combination of constants and/or variables connected with the operators such as +, -, *, and /.

The assignment statement has the form variable = constant

(i.e., the <expression> is a constant)

If the variable name on the left of the equal sign is a string variable, then the constant must be a string constant enclosed in quotes.  The quotes are not stored.  Examples follow:

Assume that the following variables are declared:

The statement

      strCustName = "BOB SMITH"

would cause the characters BOB SMITH to be stored in the variable strCustName.

      strCustAddr = "123 MAIN ST."

would cause the characters 123 MAIN ST. to be stored in the variable strCustAddr.

You can also declare and initialize a variable in one line:

I will recommend declaring and initializing the variables in different lines.

If the variable name on the left of the equal sign is a numeric variable (Integer, Long, Single, Double,Decimal), then the constant must be a valid numeric constant.  Numeric constants must not be enclosed in quotes.  They must consist only of the digits 0 through 9 and can optionally have a leading sign (- or +) and may have one decimal point.  Examples:

The following statements would cause the specified quantities to be stored in these variables:

Date and time values are stored internally in a special format, but you don’t need to know the exact format. They are double precision numbers: the integer part represents date and the fraction part represents the time.  Assume that the following variable is declared:

                Dim dtmHireDate As Date

The following statement would cause the internal representation of November 29, 1999 to be stored in the variable dtmHireDate:

            dtmHireDate = #11/29/99#

The statements given below are also the valid statements

            dtmHireDate = #11/29/99 6:30:11 PM#

            dtmHireDate =  “November 2, 1999”

            dtmHireDate =  Now( )

Note: Whenever we assign a value to a variable name, the previous value stored in that variable is destroyed and replaced with the new value.  This is called a "destructive replacement" or "destructive write".  For example, if the previous value of the variable intI was 2, and then the statement intI = 6 was executed, the new value of intI would be 6 (the 6 would replace the 2).

The assignment statement has the form variable = variable

(i.e., the <expression> is a variable)

The contents of the variable on the right of the equal sign will be copied to the variable on the left of the equal sign, replacing the previous contents of the variable on the left.  The contents of the variable on the right will remain unchanged.

The examples below assume that the following variables have been declared:


The assignment statement has the form variable = expression

(i.e., the <expression> is an arithmetic expression)

If an arithmetic expression is on the right of the equal sign, the expression is evaluated and the result of the expression is stored in the variable on the left of the equal sign.

For example, given the two statements:

In the second statement above, VB .NET will determine that the variable intI contains 2, add the constant 4 to it, and store the result (6) in intJ.

Given these two statements:

In mathematics, you could never have a statement like the second one above (intI = intI + 1), because in mathematics, the "="  indicates equality.  But in VB .NET, the "=" does not indicate equality; rather, it means "is replaced by" - i.e., the expression on the right (intI + 1) is first evaluated and determined to be the value 3.  The 3 is then stored in the variable on the left (which happens to be intI).

Other assignment statement notes:

No expression on left of equal sign

There can never be an expression on the left of the equal sign.  For example,

            A + B = C + D

is invalid, it means nothing in VB .NET.  By definition, the function of the assignment statement is to store a value in the variable specified on the left of the equal sign.

Assignment statements with mixed data types

In previous versions of BASIC and VB, you could only assign a string constant or another string variable to a string variable, and you could only assign a numeric constant, numeric variable, or numeric expression to a numeric variable.  Violation of this rule resulted in the generation of a Type Mismatch error.  In later versions of VB, this rule has been relaxed (only if Option Strict is OFF in VB .NET) – basically, VB will convert one data type to another if it possibly can; if it can't perform a suitable conversion, the "Type Mismatch " error will still occur.  Generally, "mixed-mode" assignment statements should be avoided when possible; they are inefficient and may sometimes produce unexpected results.

Regarding the last statement, if the decimal portion of a Single or Double is exactly .5, VB always rounds to the nearest even number when converting to an Integer or Long. This is sometimes referred to as "bank rounding".

In the "mixed mode" assignment statements shown above, VB would perform the necessary conversions in these cases wherever it could. Such conversions are called implicit conversions .

In VB, you can also use a set of functions that explicitly convert (or "cast") one type of data to another.  The set of functions that enable you to do this all begin with the letter "C": CBool, CByte, CChar, CDate, CDbl, CDec,  CInt, CLng, CSng, CStr, CObj, and CShort. There are also two older functions, Val and Str, which enable you to perform conversions as well. These functions will be covered in a later topic.

Assigning Data to Arrays

Given the following definitions:

Dim aintCount(9) As Integer

Dim asngSales(4,5) As Single

The following would be valid assignment statements:

      aintCount(4) = 36

      asngSales(2, 3) = 12543.22

You can also assign the arrays while declaring them:

Dim aintCount(3) As Integer = {0,1,2,3}

Assigning Data to Structures

      Public Structure EmployeeName

          FirstName As String

          MidInit As String

          LastName As String

      End Structure

      Public Structure EmployeeRecord

          udtEmpName As EmployeeName

          dtmHireDate As Date

          sngHourlyRate As Single

          dblQuarterlyEarnings(4) As Double

      Dim udtEmpRec As EmployeeRecord

      Dim audtEmpRec(10 As EmployeeRecord

      udtEmpRec.sngHourlyRate = 28.75

      audtEmpRec(3).dtmHireDate = #1/15/2001#

      udtEmpRec.udtEmpName.MidInit = "B"

      audtEmpRec(4).dblQuarterlyEarnings(3) = 14950.00

Using With/End With

You can use a With/End With block to "factor out" a qualifying reference in a group of statements. For example, the following sets of statements are equivalent:

With statement blocks can be nested. The following sets of statements are equivalent:


VB.net Operators – How Many Types of Operators Used in VB.net?

What are vb.net operators.

The VB.net Operator is a symbol that instructs the compiler to carry out particular logical or mathematical operations.

The Operator symbol is used in VB.net programming to execute various operations on variables.

There are many types of operators in VB.net that assist with applying logical and mathematical operations to data values.

In the VB.net programming language, the Operator precedence is used to specify the order in which several Operators are executed.

Operator is a specialized symbol in VB.net that instructs the compiler to apply a particular logical or mathematical operation to the data values.

An operand is the data value itself, which can be either a variable or a constant. The operator applies different operations on the operand .

How Many Types of Operators Used in VB.net?

The following are the types of operators that are used in VB.net extensive built-in operator library.

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical/Bitwise Operators
  • Bit Shift Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Miscellaneous Operators

VB.net Arithmetic Operators

The Arithmetic Operators in VB.net , are used to perform mathematical operations such as subtraction , addition , multiplication , division , etc. on the operands in VB.net .

The following table shows all the arithmetic operators supported by VB.net.

Example Program of VB.net Arithmetic Operators :

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

Sum of a + b is 21 Subtraction of a – b is 13 Multiplication of a * b is 68 Division of a / b is 4.25 Similar to division Operator (return only integer value) of a – b is 4 Modulus of a Mod b is 1 Power of a ^ b is 83521 Press any key to exit…

You can test the above example here! ➡  VB.net Online Compiler

Comparison Operator in VB.net

The Comparison Operator in VB.net compares the values of two variables or operands for a variety of conditions , including greater , less than , or equal , etc., and depending on the condition, it produces a Boolean value of true or false .

The following table shows all the Comparison Operators in VB.net .

Example Program of VB.net Comparison Operator :

Program of Comparison Operator Output of x > y is False Output of x < y is True Output of x = y is False Output of x <> y is True Output of x >= y is False Output of x <= y is True Output of obj Is obj2 is False Output of obj IsNot obj2 is True Output of str Like str2 is True Press any key to exit…

Logical/Bitwise Operators in VB.net

The logical and bitwise Operators in VB.net work with Boolean (true or false) conditions, and if the conditions become true , it returns a Boolean value.

The following are the logical and bitwise Operators used to perform the various logical operations such as And , Or , Not , etc. on the operands (variables).

Suppose there are two operands A and B , where A is True , and B is False .

The following table shows all the Logical/Bitwise Operators in VB.net .

Example Program of VB.net Logical/Bitwise Operators :

Operands A Or B are True Operands A Xor B is True Operands c Or d is True Operand A OrElse B is True Output of Not (A And B) is True Press any key to exit?

Bit Shift Operators in VB.net

The Bit Shift Operators in VB.net are used to perform the bit shift operations on binary values either to the right or to the left.

The following table shows all the Bit Shift Operators in VB.net .

Example Program of Bit Shift Operators in VB.net :

BitShift Operator x And y is 8 BitShift Operator x Or y is 29 BitShift Operator x Xor y is 21 BitShift Operator Not y is -26 Bitwise Left Shift Operator – a<<1 = 10 Bitwise Left Shift Operator – b<<1 = 18 Bitwise Right Shift Operator – a>>1 = 10 Bitwise Right Shift Operator – b>>1 = 10 Press any key to exit…

Assignment Operators in VB.net

The Assignment Operators in VB.net are used to assign the value to variables.

The following table shows all the Assignment Operators in VB.net .

Example Program of VB.net Assignment Operators :

Assign value A to B is 5 Output of B += A is 10 Output of B -= A is 5 Output of B *= A is 25 Output of B /= A is 5 Output of B = A is 1 Output of B ^= A is 1 Output of Str &= name is Welcome Press any key to exit…

Miscellaneous Operators in VB.net

Miscellaneous Operators in VB.net It is applied to an operand in an asynchronous method or lambda expression to suspend execution of the method until the awaited task is completed.

The following table shows all the Miscellaneous Operators in VB.net .

Example Program of VB.net Miscellaneous Operators :

System.Double System.Int32 System.String System.Single System.Decimal 100 Negative Press any key to exit…

  • An Operators in VB.Net refers to a symbol that instructs the compiler to perform a specific logical or mathematical manipulation.
  • VB.Net supports the use of operators to perform arithmetic , logical , and comparison operations .
  • Operators are divided into various categories.
  • Operators operate on operands.
  • We can use arithmetic operators to perform various mathematical operations in VB.NET .
  • Comparison operators in VB.net are used for making comparisons between variables.
  • Logical operators in VB.net help us in making logical decisions.

VB NET Directives

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&= Operator (Visual Basic)

  • 11 contributors

Concatenates a String expression to a String variable or property and assigns the result to the variable or property.

variableorproperty Required. Any String variable or property.

expression Required. Any String expression.

The element on the left side of the &= operator can be a simple scalar variable, a property, or an element of an array. The variable or property cannot be ReadOnly . The &= operator concatenates the String expression on its right to the String variable or property on its left, and assigns the result to the variable or property on its left.


The & Operator can be overloaded , which means that a class or structure can redefine its behavior when an operand has the type of that class or structure. Overloading the & operator affects the behavior of the &= operator. If your code uses &= on a class or structure that overloads & , be sure you understand its redefined behavior. For more information, see Operator Procedures .

The following example uses the &= operator to concatenate two String variables and assign the result to the first variable.

  • & Operator
  • += Operator
  • Assignment Operators
  • Concatenation Operators
  • Operator Precedence in Visual Basic
  • Operators Listed by Functionality

Additional resources


  1. Assignment Operators

    assignment operator in vb

  2. Assignment Operators in JavaScript (Hindi)

    assignment operator in vb

  3. WebQuest: Programming with Python

    assignment operator in vb

  4. Assignment Operators in Java with Examples

    assignment operator in vb

  5. Applications Development

    assignment operator in vb

  6. Assignment Operators

    assignment operator in vb


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  1. Assignment Operators - Visual Basic | Microsoft Learn

    The following are the assignment operators defined in Visual Basic. The source for this content can be found on GitHub, where you can also create and review issues and pull requests. For more information, see our contributor guide. .NET is an open source project. Select a link to provide feedback:

  2. = Operator - Visual Basic | Microsoft Learn

    Assigns a value to a variable or property. Any writable variable or any property. Any literal, constant, or expression. The element on the left side of the equal sign (=) can be a simple scalar variable, a property, or an element of an array. The variable or property cannot be ReadOnly.

  3. VB.Net - Assignment Operators - Online Tutorials Library

    Concatenates a String expression to a String variable or property and assigns the result to the variable or property. Try the following example to understand all the assignment operators available in VB.Net −. Sub Main() Dim a As Integer = 21 Dim pow As Integer = 2 Dim str1 As String = "Hello!

  4. += Operator - Visual Basic | Microsoft Learn

    The += operator adds the value on its right to the variable or property on its left, and assigns the result to the variable or property on its left. The += operator can also be used to concatenate the String expression on its right to the String variable or property on its left, and assign the result to the variable or property on its left.

  5. Understanding assignment/comparison vb.net - Stack Overflow

    The equals sign (=) is used for two entirely different operators in VB.NET. It is used as the assignment operator as well as for the equality test operator. The operator, to which the character evaluates, depends on the context. So, for instance, in this example:

  6. Assignment Operators | Control Structures in Visual Basic ...

    Visual Basic .NET provides several assignment operators for abbreviating assignment statements. For example, the statement. can be abbreviated with the addition assignment operator (+=) as. The += operator adds the value of the right operand to the value of the left operand and stores the result in the left operand's variable.

  7. Assignment Operators (Visual Basic) - GitHub

    Assignment Operators (Visual Basic) The following are the assignment operators defined in Visual Basic. = Operator ^= Operator *= Operator /= Operator \= Operator += Operator-= Operator <<= Operator >>= Operator &= Operator. See also. Operator Precedence in Visual Basic; Operators Listed by Functionality; Statements

  8. The Assignment Statement - The VB Programmer

    The assignment statement causes the value of the expression on the right side of the equal sign to be stored in the variable specified on the left side of the equal sign. An expression can be a constant, variable, or any valid combination of constants and/or variables connected with the operators such as +, -, *, and /.

  9. VB.net Operators – How Many Types of Operators Used in VB.net?">VB.net Operators – How Many Types of Operators Used in VB.net?

    Assignment Operators in VB.net Description Example = It is a simple assignment Operator used to assign a right-side operand or value to a left side operand. X = 5, X assign a value 5 X = P + Q, (P + Q) variables or value assign to X. += An Add AND assignment Operator is used to add the value of the right operand to the left operand.

  10. Operator - Visual Basic | Microsoft Learn">&= Operator - Visual Basic | Microsoft Learn

    The &= operator concatenates the String expression on its right to the String variable or property on its left, and assigns the result to the variable or property on its left. The & Operator can be overloaded, which means that a class or structure can redefine its behavior when an operand has the type of that class or structure.