1. (PDF) The Metaverse: A Systematic Literature Review to Map Scholarly Definitions

    the metaverse a systematic literature review to map scholarly definitions

  2. Metaverse definitions from the extant literature

    the metaverse a systematic literature review to map scholarly definitions

  3. (PDF) How Does the Metaverse Shape Education? A Systematic Literature Review

    the metaverse a systematic literature review to map scholarly definitions

  4. (PDF) Systematic Literature Review on the Use of Metaverse in Education

    the metaverse a systematic literature review to map scholarly definitions

  5. (PDF) Metaverse Technologies in Education: A Systematic Literature Review Using PRISMA

    the metaverse a systematic literature review to map scholarly definitions

  6. (PDF) Metaverse Technologies in Education: A Systematic Literature Review Using PRISMA

    the metaverse a systematic literature review to map scholarly definitions