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Air Wedge Questions and Answers for Viva
Air Wedge Viva Questions and Answers
Frequently asked questions and answers of Air Wedge in Optics of Physics to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Air Wedge Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Air Wedge FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Interview Question and Answer of Air Wedge
Question-1. What is meant by interference of light?
Answer-1: When the two waves superimpose over each other, resultant intensity is modified. The modification in the distribution of intensity in the region of superposition is called interference.
Question-2. Is there is any energy loss in interference phenomenon?
Answer-2: No, there is only redistribution of energy ie, energy from dark places is shifted to bright places
Question-3. What are interference fringes?
Answer-3: They are alternately bright and dark patches of light obtained in the region of superposition of two wave trains of light.
Question-4. What is the shape of fringes in wedge shaped film?
Answer-4: The fringes in wedge-shaped film are straight line fringes.
Question-5. What type of source is required in division of amplitude?
Answer-5: In division of amplitude a broad source is required so that the whole firm may be viewed together.
Question-6. Are the fringes equispaced?
Answer-6: Yes, the fringes equispaced.
Question-7. What type of air film do you get when thin plate is placed between two plane parallel glass plates?
Answer-7: A wedge shaped air film is formed. That thickness of the film increases from the end where plates are in contact to the other end.
Question-8. What is shape of interference fringes?
Answer-8: Fringes are straight.
Question-9. How interference does take place in case of air wedge?
Answer-9: Interference occurs between the rays reflected at the upper and lower surface of the air film.
Question-10. Why are Newton's rings circular but air wedge fringes straight?
Answer-10: It depends on the shape of the lens/glass plate placed over the lower glass plate. In Air wedge experiment, the air film is formed between two glass plates but in the case of newton's ring experiment it is formed between the lens which has the curved surface and glass plate so that the film has an increasing radius from the point of contact of lens and plate.
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viva questions and answers to the air wedge experiment btech 1st
Anonymous student, subject : other, answer created with ai, viva questions and answers for air wedge experiment (btech 1st year).
1. What is an air wedge?
- An air wedge is a thin film of air formed between two glass plates of a wedge shape.
2. How is the thickness of the air wedge determined?
- The thickness of the air wedge can be determined using the formula: t = λ/2μ where t is the thickness, λ is the wavelength of light used, and μ is the refractive index of the material of the wedge.
3. What happens when a light beam passes through the air wedge?
- When a light beam passes through the air wedge, interference patterns are formed due to the phase difference caused by the varying thickness of the air film.
4. How does the interference pattern change with the change in thickness of the air wedge?
- The interference pattern changes as the thickness of the air wedge changes. This change can be observed as alternating bright and dark fringes.
5. What is the principle behind the air wedge experiment?
- The principle behind the air wedge experiment is based on the interference of light waves due to the varying thickness of the air film, leading to the formation of interference fringes.
6. How can the refractive index of the material of the wedge be calculated using the air wedge experiment?
- The refractive index of the material of the wedge can be calculated using the formula: μ = (t/λ) x 2 where t is the thickness of the air wedge and λ is the wavelength of light used.
7. What are the applications of the air wedge experiment?
- The air wedge experiment is used to determine small thicknesses, test the flatness of surfaces, and calibrate optical instruments.
8. What precautions should be taken during the air wedge experiment?
- Precautions include ensuring the cleanliness of the glass plates, using monochromatic light, and avoiding air currents that could disturb the air film.
These questions and answers can help you prepare for your viva on the air wedge experiment in your BTech 1st year.
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Engineering Physics Viva
…..And Then There Is Physics
Newton’s Ring Experiment
Q.What are Newton’s Rings ?
A.Alternate dark and bright rings formed due to presence of air film when plano convex lens is placed on glass plate is called newtons rings.
Q.How are Newton’s rings formed?
A.They are formed as a result of interference between light waves reflected from the upper and lower surfaces of the air film developed between the convex surface of plano convex lens and plane glass plate.
Q.Why are they circular?
A.This is so because the air film formed is wedge shaped and loci of points of equal thickness are circles concentric with point of contact.
Q.what is the function of the 45° inclined glass plate?
A.It turns the light rays coming from an extended source to ninety degrees and so the rays fall normally on the plano convex lens.
Q.Why do rings get closer as their order increases?
A.The diameter of dark rings is proportional to the square root of natural numbers while bright rings are proportional to the square root of odd natural numbers hence the don’t increase at the same rate.
Q.Why is the center of the ring dark?
A.At the point of contact the path difference is zero but one of the rays is reflected so the effective path difference becomes λ/2 thus the condition of minimum intensity is created hence it is a dark spot.
Q.What if the glass plate is replaced with plane mirror?
A.Then we will not get interference fringe because the intensity of light reflected from mirror will be so great that it won’t be visible and we will get uniform illumination.
Q.What if sodium light is replaced with white light?
A.Few colored fringes will be observed near the center.
Q.What will happen if we replace the lens with plane glass?
A.Then interference will take place but the shape of the rings will be irregular.
Q.What will happen if few drops of liquid is introduced between the lens and glass?
A.The diameter of the rings will decrease because the diameter of the rings is inversely proportional to the refractive index .
Q.What will happen if we use a lens of small radius of curvature ?
A.Then the rings will be of smaller diameter and there is chance of error while taking the readings.
Q.What if a plane glass making some angle with the glass stripe is used in place of lens?
A.Then we will have dark and bright fringes in shape of a line. Newtons ring experiment
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97 thoughts on “ newton’s ring experiment ”.
Answer were to the point…. Thnk uhh Sir
Good questions
What happened if I replace the plano-convex lens with the plano-concave lens? Would the shape and the order of rings change? Sorry for my bad grammar. Thank you!
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ha ha ha ha ha
Thankyou for the answers
The thickness will decrease ,shape will not change, the rings will come close as diameter decreases
What is the use of Newton’s rings
it was really helpful
thank you very much this was so helpful
Thank you Sir
realli it was very awesome,very helpful in enhancing and clearing the concepts..
Thanks it was very much helpful
Very useful
It helps a lot to clear concepts
very good work done
it is very usefull….thank u sir
Usefull thankful sir…
best website for viva i like it ,keep it up
The knowledge is well presented and meaningful thank you
It was very useful and helped clear the concept
Thanks for this viva and the site as well
Super sir!! Excellent questions we can score full marks in viva through this questions. Tq u air thanks a lot
This amazingly enough answered every question in my laboratory write up. Very useful stuff. Thank you!
very good sir. isi chij ki to talas hai . accha kar rahe hain.
ya,dear fellow scientists i appreciate your support and comments,so keep it up
What happened if we replaced yellow light with green light?
It is very helpful and use ful
Very much helpful for viva purpose👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
It is really helpful for practical examination
changing the yellow Na-light to green of the mercury lamp then what will be the effect on diameter of rings?
I where will the ring be formed, in the film or lens
Thank you sir 😊
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Physics viva questions, viva questions on newtons rings.
thank you sir
very helpful
Thanks this really helped
very nice 👍👍👍
they were helpful
Thank you very much sir ji
formula is wrong
moj karadi sirji
Thank you Sir it's very useful ...
It's great thank you bro👍👍
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Engineering Physics: Unit III: b. Optics
Theory of air wedge, definition, experiment, description, applications.
Air-wedge arrangement is used to find the thickness of a thin sheet or a wire. It is also used to test the planeness of the glass plate.
A wedge shaped (V-shaped) air film enclosed in between two glass plates is called air wedge.
Theory of air wedge experiment :
When two optically plane glass plates ( A & B ) are inclined at a very small angle 0, a wedge shaped thin air film is formed between the surfaces as shown in fig. 4.11. The thickness of the air film increases outwards from the line of contact 'O' of the glass plates.
The light rays from a monochromatic light source is made to fall perpendicularly on the film.
The incident rays of light is partially reflected from the upper surface of the air film and partially reflected from the lower surface of the air film.
These two reflected rays will interfere and a large number of straight alternative bright and dark fringes are formed.
If t is the thickness of the air film corresponding to the n th dark band with wedge angle o at a distance of x metre from the edge of contact, then the path difference between the two reflected rays (Fig 4.12)
For air film, refractive index of the film μ = 1
cos r =1, since angle of incidence is very small, so angle of refraction is also very small ie., r = 0; cos θ = 1
Now, 2 t = n λ ….(2)
where λ - wavelength light
Since x is the distance of the n th dark band from the edge of contact O,
substituting equation (3) in equation (2), for the n th dark band
Similarly, for the next dark band ie., (n + 1) th dark band
2( x + β)θ=( n + 1)λ ... (5)
where β is the fringe width
subtracting equation (4) from equation (5), we have
The same relation is obtained if we consider the bright fringe.
Thickness of a thin wire and very thin foil
The given wire whose thickness d is to be measured is placed inbetween the two glass plates to form a wedge shaped air film.
Now if l is its distance from the edge of contact (length of the wedge), then from fig 4.13.
Substituting eqn (7) in (6)
Thus, thickness of very thin specimen can be determined by using the interferance technique in wedge shaped film.
Applications of air-wedge
Determination of diameter (thickness) of a wire or thickness of a thin sheet of paper (Experiment)
An airwedge is formed by keeping two optically plane glass plates in contact along one of the edges and a thin wire near the other end, parallel to the contact edges of the glass plates.
Therefore, glass plater are inclined at a very small angle (one end of these two glass plates may be tied using a thread or a rubber band). This is called airwedge arrangement
This arrangement is kept on the bed of the travelling microscope (Fig 4.14).
A parallel beam of monochromatic light from a light source is reflected down on the air wedge by a glass plate kept inclined at an angle 45° to the horizontal.
Interference takes place between the light reflected at the top and bottom surfaces of the air film between the two glass plates.
Interference pattern (Fig 4.15) consisting of a series of bright and dark bands of equal width is viewed by a travelling microscope arranged above the airwedge.
Microscope is focussed on these fringes and the vertical cross wire is made to coincide with n th bright band near the edge of contact of the glass plates.
The reading on the horizontal scale of the microscope is noted. The cross wire is made to coincide with successive 5 th fringes ( n +5, n + 10 ... n + 40) and the corresponding microscope readings are noted. The readings are recorded in the table 4.1.
From the table, the average fringe width β is determined. Using the microscope, the distance l between the edge of the contact and the wire is also measured.
Knowing the wavelength of the monochromatic light source, the thickness of the wire is found out using the formula.
Engineering Physics: Unit III: b. Optics : Tag: : Definition, Experiment, Description, Applications - Theory of Air Wedge
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- short viva questions of air wedge experiment to...
short viva questions of air wedge experiment to determine the diameter of a thin wire by measuring.. 1 answer below »
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short viva questions of air wedge experiment to determine the diameter
of a thin wire by measuring the width of interference band formed by air wedge experiment and also find the angle of wedge
1 Approved Answer
An air wedge interferometer consists of two optical glass wedges (~2-5 degrees), pushed together and then slightly separated from one side to create a thin air-gap wedge. The air gap between the two glass plates has two unique properties: it is very thin (micrometer scale) and has perfect flatness.
2.In wedge shaped film the thickness of the air is constant over a straight line along the width of the wedge. 3. Hence the fringes are straight.
Thickness of insulation = thickness of wire with insulation - thickness of wire without insulation. ... If we cut a 1 km length of the wire and measure the resistance, it is, 495 megohms.
5.5 . Interference by a wedge shaped thin film. When a wedge shaped thin film of some transparent material is exposed to light, straight line patterns of brilliant colours can be seen for This is due to interference of light reflected from upper and lower surface of the film via the method of division of amplitude.
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Answer-10: It depends on the shape of the lens/glass plate placed over the lower glass plate. In Air wedge experiment, the air film is formed between two glass plates but in the case of newton's ring experiment it is formed between the lens which has the curved surface and glass plate so that the film has an increasing radius from the point of contact of lens and plate.
8. What precautions should be taken during the air wedge experiment? Precautions include ensuring the cleanliness of the glass plates, using monochromatic light, and avoiding air currents that could disturb the air film. These questions and answers can help you prepare for your viva on the air wedge experiment in your BTech 1st year.
Feb 17, 2015 · A.This is so because the air film formed is wedge shaped and loci of points of equal thickness are circles concentric with point of contact. Q.what is the function of the 45° inclined glass plate? A.It turns the light rays coming from an extended source to ninety degrees and so the rays fall normally on the plano convex lens.
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Apr 23, 2019 · 11.) What are the equipments used during the experiment ? Ans.)Travelling microscope,a sodium lamp,newtons ring apparatus,a spherometer, a cone lens of short focal length . 12.) Why Newton rings are circular in shape? Ans.) The air film formed is wedge shaped locus of point of intersection is equal to the thickness of circles . 13.)
This document contains summaries of experiments conducted in the Physics Lab of the Chennai Institute of Technology. It includes summaries of experiments on laser parameters, interference of light using an air wedge, ultrasonic interferometry, diffraction gratings, Lee's disc method for thermal conductivity, torsional pendulums, Young's modulus using non-uniform bending, Poiseuille's method ...
VIVA VOCE QUESTIONS 1. What is monochromatic light? Give an example. 2. What is the condition for the occurrence of interference phenomenon? 3. When the length of the air-wedge is increased, what happens to the fringe width? 4. Why the glass plate used in the pathway of the light source should be inclined exactly at 45°? 5.
A wedge shaped (V-shaped) air film enclosed in between two glass plates is called air wedge. Theory of air wedge experiment : When two optically plane glass plates (A & B) are inclined at a very small angle 0, a wedge shaped thin air film is formed between the surfaces as shown in fig. 4.11. The thickness of the air film increases outwards from ...
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May 7, 2021 · An air wedge interferometer consists of two optical glass wedges (~2-5 degrees), pushed together and then slightly separated from one side to create a thin air-gap wedge. The air gap between the two glass plates has two unique properties: it is very thin (micrometer scale) and has perfect flatness. 2.In wedge shaped film the thickness of the ...