Nov 6, 2019 · The presenter can adapt the content and delivery in real-time based on audience reactions and feedback. This flexibility allows for a more responsive and tailored presentation experience. Group Presentations. Group presentations are collaborative efforts where multiple individuals jointly deliver a talk or presentation to an audience. Each ... ... Jun 4, 2023 · A presentation can be effective if it is carefully planned and prepared. However, delivering presentations is not always easy for every individual. Some people take presenting as a probable opportunity to showcase skills, while others find it a challenging task. To provide an effective presentation, a presenter must possess some abilities. ... This chapter focuses on how the group, the speech assignment, the audience, and the presentation design play a role in the harmonious combination of planning, organization, and delivery for group presentations. A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. ~ Margaret Mead ... Apr 4, 2024 · To make an effective group presentation, clearly define the objective, assign roles among group members for researching, creating slides, and rehearsing, create an outline with an introduction, 3-5 key points, and a conclusion, and gather relevant facts and examples to support each point, include meaningful visual aids on slides while limiting ... ... Nov 4, 2024 · Group presentations require the same skills we've covered so far in this module (e.g., well-structured ideas, visually appealing slides, etc.), but these assignments also need a different approach—creating an effective group presentation requires close collaboration, open communication, and lots of shared organization. ... A symposium presentation is a group presentation that is essentially a collection of individual presentations covering a broad topic. The topic is broken up into subtopics, and each group member, one after another, makes a presentation on his or her subtopic. All together, the group covers the topic in its entirety. ... Depending on the tone and setup of the presentation, group members might chime in to clarify any points, so long as they don’t take over the presentation. Symposium “A symposium is a public presentation in which several people present prepared speeches on different aspects of the same topic” (Lucas, 2020, p. 387). ... Aug 15, 2024 · Learning how to improve your presentation skills can help you give interesting and engaging presentations in a professional context. In this article, we provide the benefits of presenting to a group and list 10 strategies for improving group presentations to help you showcase your knowledge and communication skills. ... ">
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Business Jargons

A Business Encyclopedia


Definition : A presentation is a form of communication in which the speaker conveys information to the audience. In an organization presentations are used in various scenarios like talking to a group, addressing a meeting, demonstrating or introducing a new product, or briefing a team. It involves presenting a particular subject or issue or new ideas/thoughts to a group of people.

It is considered as the most effective form of communication because of two main reasons:

  • Use of non-verbal cues.
  • Facilitates instant feedback.


Business Presentations are a tool to influence people toward an intended thought or action.

Parts of Presentation


  • Introduction : It is meant to make the listeners ready to receive the message and draw their interest. For that, the speaker can narrate some story or a humorous piece of joke, an interesting fact, a question, stating a problem, and so forth. They can also use some surprising statistics.
  • Body : It is the essence of the presentation. It requires the sequencing of facts in a logical order. This is the part where the speaker explains the topic and relevant information. It has to be critically arranged, as the audience must be able to grasp what the speaker presents.
  • Conclusion : It needs to be short and precise. It should sum up or outline the key points that you have presented. It could also contain what the audience should have gained out of the presentation.

Purpose of Presentation

  • To inform : Organizations can use presentations to inform the audience about new schemes, products or proposals. The aim is to inform the new entrant about the policies and procedures of the organization.
  • To persuade : Presentations are also given to persuade the audience to take the intended action.
  • To build goodwill : They can also help in building a good reputation

Factors Affecting Presentation


Audience Analysis

Communication environment, personal appearance, use of visuals, opening and closing presentation, organization of presentation, language and words, voice quality, body language, answering questions, a word from business jargons.

Presentation is a mode of conveying information to a selected group of people live. An ideal presentation is one that identifies and matches the needs, interests and understanding level of the audience. It also represents the facts, and figures in the form of tables, charts, and graphs and uses multiple colours.

Related terms:

  • Verbal Communication
  • Visual Communication
  • Non-Verbal Communication
  • Communication
  • 7 C’s of Communication

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Abbas khan says

October 2, 2022 at 11:33 pm

Thank you so much for providing us with brief info related to the presentation.

Farhan says

February 23, 2023 at 9:45 am

yusra shah says

July 3, 2023 at 2:04 am

it was helpful👍

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16 Presenting as a Group

Learning Objectives

  • List the four common types of group presentations
  • Discuss techniques for coordinating a group assignment
  • Plan speech organization for the intended audience
  • Practice effective group delivery

Imagine you have been assigned to a group for a project requiring a presentation at the end. “Now is the busiest time in my schedule and I do not have time to fit all these people into it,” the voice in your head reminds you. Then you ask the question: “Is there ever a non-busy time for assembling a group together for a presentation ?” These thoughts are a part of a group presentation assignment. The combined expertise of several individuals is becoming increasingly necessary in many vocational (related to a specific occupation) and avocational (outside a specific occupation) presentations.

Group presentations in business may range from a business team exchanging sales data; research and development teams discussing business expansion ideas; to annual report presentations by boards of directors. Also, the government, private, and public sectors have many committees that participate in briefings, conference presentations, and other formal presentations. It is common for group presentations to be requested, created, and delivered to bring together the expertise of several people in one presentation. Thus, the task of deciding the most valuable information for audience members has become a coordination task involving several individuals. All group members are responsible for coordinating things such as themes, strong support/evidence, and different personalities and approaches in a specified time period. Coordination is defined in the dictionary as harmonious combination or interaction, as of functions or parts.

This chapter focuses on how the group, the speech assignment, the audience, and the presentation design play a role in the harmonious combination of planning, organization, and delivery for group presentations.

Preparing All Parts of the Assignment

In group presentations, you are working to coordinate one or two outcomes—outcomes related to the content (product outcomes) and/or outcomes related to the group skills and participation (process outcomes). Therefore, it is important to carefully review and outline the prescribed assignment of the group before you get large quantities of data, spreadsheets, interview notes, and other research materials.

Types of Group Presentations

A key component of a preparation plan is the type of group presentation. Not all group presentations require a format of standing in front of an audience and presenting. According to Sprague and Stuart (2005), there are four common types of group presentations:

  • A structured argument in which participants speak for or against a pre-announced proposition is called a debate . The proposition is worded so that one side has the burden of proof, and that same side has the benefit of speaking first and last. Speakers assume an advocacy role and attempt to persuade the audience, not each other.
  • The forum is essentially a question-and-answer session. One or more experts may be questioned by a panel of other experts, journalists, and/or the audience.
  • A panel consists of a group of experts publicly discussing a topic among themselves. Individually prepared speeches, if any, are limited to very brief opening statements.
  • Finally, the symposium is a series of short speeches, usually informative, on various aspects of the same general topic. Audience questions often follow (p. 318).

These four types of presentations, along with the traditional group presentation in front of an audience or on-the-job speaking, typically have pre-assigned parameters. Therefore, all group members must be clear about the assignment request.

A man stands at a microphone while moderating a panel discussion of four peoiple who are seated at a table

Establishing Clear Objectives

For the group to accurately summarize for themselves who is the audience, what is the situation/occasion, and what supporting materials need to be located and selected, the group should establish clear objectives about both the process and the product being assessed.

Assessment plays a central role in optimizing the quality of group interaction. Thus, it is important to be clear whether the group is being assessed on the product(s) or outcome(s) only or will the processes within the group—such as equity of contribution, individual interaction with group members, and meeting deadlines—also be assessed. Kowitz and Knutson (1980) argue that three dimensions for group evaluation include (1) informational —dealing with the group’s designated tasks; (2) procedural —referring to how the group coordinates its activities and communication; and (3) interpersonal —focusing on the relationships that exist among members while the task is being accomplished. Groups without a pre-assigned assessment rubric may use the three dimensions to effectively create a group evaluation instrument.

The group should determine if the product includes both a written document and an oral presentation. The written document and oral presentation format may have been pre-assigned with an expectation behind the requested informative and/or persuasive content. Although the two should complement each other, the audience, message, and format for each should be clearly outlined. The group may create a product assessment guide (see Table 1) . Additionally, each group member should uniformly write down the purpose of the assignment. You may think you can keep the purpose in your head without any problem. Yet the goal is for each member to consistently have the same outcome in front of them. This will bring your research, writing, and thinking back to focus after engaging in a variety of resources or conversations.

Once the assignment has been coordinated in terms of the product and process objectives, type of presentation, and logistics, it is important for the group to clearly write down the agreed outcomes. Agreed outcomes about the product include a purpose statemen t that reflects an agreement with the prescribed assignment (i.e. “at the end of our group presentation the audience will be informed or persuaded about the prescribed assignment”). It also includes the key message or thesis to be developed through a presentation outline , a full-sentence outline of virtually everything the speaker intends to say. The outline allows the speakers to test the structure, the logic, and persuasive appeals in the speech (DiSanza & Legge, 2011, p. 131).

Logistics for Group Members

As a group, be very clear about the length of your presentation and its preparation. The length of the presentation refers to your time limit, and whether there is a question and answer period involved. Assignment preparation may or may not have a prescribed deadline. If the assignment does not have a deadline, then set one as a group. If there is a deadline, then the group begins by creating a schedule from the final deadline. As a group, create an action timetable explicitly listing all processes and outputs, as well as communication update points.

As a group, decide the best way to leave enough time in the end to put all the pieces together and make sure everything is complete. If there is a written document, it should be completed prior to the oral presentation rather than at the same time. As a group, realize not everyone may work off a physical calendar. Thus, do not hesitate to require each member to write down all deadlines.

Next, the group can strategically add meeting dates, times, and venues to the action timetable. A meeting is a structured conversation among a small group of people who gather to accomplish a specific task (Beebe & Mottet, 2010). For group presentations, meetings do not always include the entire group. So a schedule of who meets with whom and when is useful for planning work and agendas. In addition, all meetings do not serve the same purpose. For example, informational meetings may be called simply to update all group members; solicitation meetings are called to solicit opinions or request guidance from group members; group-building meetings are designed to promote unity and cohesiveness among group members; and problem-solving meetings result in making decisions or recommendations by the time the meeting convenes.

Once the group is unified about the assignment objectives and time frame, it is vital to predetermine the type of note-taking required of each group member (which may vary) and the variety of information exchange. The more systematic a group is in these two areas, the more unified the process and the product. The system begins with each group member writing down the message, specific purpose, and central ideas for the group presentation. If these are still to be determined, then have each group member identify the areas of background information needed and basic information gathering. Next, simply create a general format for note-taking—whether typed or handwritten and what types of details should be included especially sources. Also with the increasing use of electronic databases be very clear on when related articles should be forwarded to group members. The email inbox flooded with PDF files is not always a welcome situation.

The group should be clear on the explicit requirements for locating recent, relevant, and audience-appropriate source material for the presentation. All of this leads to the foundation of clearly defining the responsibilities of each group member. All tasks should be listed, given deadlines, and assigned people. A means for tracking the progress of each task should be outlined. The group should be clear on what are individual, joint (involving more than one group member), and entire group tasks. Throughout the entire process, all group members should be supportive and helpful but should not offer to do other people’s work.

Organizing for Your Audience

Organizing for your audience relates to how the gathered content can be best arranged for them. According to Patricia Fripp (2011), a Hall of Fame keynote speaker and executive speech coach, any presentation can be intimidating but the key is to remember “your goal is to present the most valuable information possible to the members of the audience” (p. 16). Now what you think is most valuable and what the audience thinks is most valuable must be coordinated because of differences in perception (the process by which we give meaning to our experience). Therefore, organizing for your audience is focused on content, structure, packaging, and human element—not for you, not for the assignment, but for the audience. A customized plan of organization will assist your group in creating relevant messages that satisfy others’ personal needs and goals (Keller, 1983).

Audience members are interested in your expertise that has been developed from solid research and preparation. Audience members may have expectations about what foundational literature and key sources should be contained within your presentation. Therefore as a group, you need to go beyond providing a variety of supporting material within your presentation to considering who will be present, levels of expertise, and their expectations. In general, organizing the content should be focused on usage, knowledge levels, and objectives. First, usage refers to how audience members expect to use your presentational content which will help the group transform ideas into audience-centered speech points. Second, knowledge level means the audience’s knowledge level about the topic within the audience which assists the group in developing supporting material for the entire audience. Third, the objectives are linked to how the content serves the audience’s needs and assists the group in being intentional about helping the audience see the reason for their involvement and receive value for the time they devoted to attend. Overall, the content is coordinated in a way that keeps at the forefront who the decision-makers are and what specifics they need to know, would be nice to know, and do not need to know.

Next professionally packaging a presentation for the audience deals with the structure or how you arrange points. The structure takes into consideration a strong opening, logical order, relevant key points, conciseness, and use of supplementary visual aids. In addition, the linking of points involves conversational language and the appropriate use of acronyms and technical jargon for inclusion or exclusion. The focus is geared to the perception of trustworthiness. Three strategic questions to answer include:

  • What qualities as a group will demonstrate your trustworthiness to this audience?
  • What content order needs to be achieved to give a consistent perception of fairness?
  • What content requires repeating and how should that be achieved—through comparisons, examples, illustrations, etc.?

The packaging of successful group presentations revolves around the type of relationship with the audience, the division of time, and enthusiasm. An important dynamic of group presentations is for your group to know if audience members will be required to give an internal presentation or briefing from your presentation. As a group, know if you are packaging a one-time presentation, bidding for a long-term relationship, continuing a relationship for offering expertise, or if the presentation is tied to internal pressures to performance appraisals. Such knowledge will aid your group in developing talking points which can be re-presented with accuracy.

The type of presentation will help you divide the time for your presentation. The majority of the time is always spent on the body of the speech. A typical 30-minute speech might be divided into four minutes for the introduction, ten minutes for the body, and four minutes for the conclusion. The remaining 12 minutes is for the audience to ask questions, offer objections, or simply to become part of the discussion. It is important to leave enough time for the audience to contribute to the intellectual content. Therefore, always design group presentations with the intent not to run out of time before the audience can participate. All group presentations should have enthusiasm. Group members should be enthusiastic about the audience, message, and occasion. Planned enthusiasm should play a role in creating the introduction, conclusion, and body of your presentations. The consistent use of enthusiasm can be planned throughout the speech outline.

Human Element

Now it is time to focus on compatibility. As a group, consider what will it take to get this audience to pay attention to your presentation. Answer questions such as:

  • What can your group do to develop an introduction, transitions, and conclusions in a way to connect with this audience?
  • What types of stories are common or relatable to this audience?
  • What are the attitudes, beliefs, and values of this audience?

Delivering Your Presentation as One

By completing the other levels of coordination, the group will have decided on the key message, thoroughly researched the supporting material, developed logical conclusions, and created realistic recommendations. Therefore all that stands between you and success is the actual presentation—the vehicle that carries the facts and the ideas to your audience. Here it is important to recognize that if an assignment required both a written document and an oral presentation then be sure one effectively complements the other. Although you can reference the written document during the oral presentation, the oral presentation should be planned with the thought in mind that not everyone is given the written document. Therefore, the oral presentation may be the only content they receive. Since you will not always know who receives the written document, it is best to coordinate the presentation as if no one has the full written document, which can serve as a reference tool for gaining content requiring further explanation or accessibility to detailed information. At the same time, if the entire audience is provided written material keep in mind different decision-makers may be in the audience. For example, the creative director may be only interested in your creative concepts, whereas a vice president of finance may be only interested in figures.

The presentation preparation primarily focuses on your group’s ability to develop a clear plan and execution of delivery. A delivery plan includes essential elements such as (1) purpose, (2) oral content, (3) dress, (4) room, (5) visuals, (6) delivery, and (7) rehearsal to ensure that the group presentation is both captivating and useful to your audience, as well as worth their time.

Group members should keep at the forefront of their minds the answer to the question “Was the general purpose—to inform or to persuade—achieved?” As a group, practice keeping the purpose of the presentation explicit for the audience. The purpose should never become hidden during the presentation. Each group member’s awareness of the purpose is important in maintaining the right kind of delivery. It is possible to have great content for a presentation and miss the entire purpose of the presentation. For example, say your group had been asked to do a presentation about Facebook and how it could be used in the financial industry. You could take an informative or persuasive approach. However, if the audience—banking professionals—attends a presentation where the content is focused on Facebook rather than having a focus on its use in the financial industry, then the purpose was not achieved.

The delivery plan will help you evaluate if the purpose of the presentation is clearly aimed at the primary audience. In addition, the group can determine when and how clearly they are articulating the explicit purpose of the presentation. The purpose is complemented by a clear preview, the audience members’ awareness of what decisions are at issue, and the audience’s desire to get important information first.

Oral Content

Up to this point the majority of the group’s engagement with the content has been in terms of reading and writing. It is time to orally interact with the selected content to ensure that it has been developed for this audience, properly structured, and clearly articulated. The delivery plan is a time to evaluate word choice, idioms, and antidotes. When working with this content, make sure that it is suited to the purpose, and that the key message is explicit so the audience remembers it well.

The introduction of group members, transitions, and internal summaries are all important elements of the delivery plan. A proper introduction of group members and the content will not happen automatically. Therefore, it is important to practice it to determine if introductions fit better at the beginning of the presentation, if names need to be emphasized through the wearing of name tags, or if names are better used as a part of transition content. The use of name only may not be effective in some speaking situations. Therefore, the group needs to determine what a proper group member introduction includes beyond the name. Plus, be consistent; that is, determine if everyone is using first name only or full name, do they need to know your positions, some background, or can you simply state it in a written format such as a team resume. Speech content is not useful if the audience does not accept your credibility.

As in all presentations, an awareness of your physical appearance is an important element in complementing the content of your speech. Do not hesitate to talk about and practice appropriate dress as a group. It is important to look like a group. Really consider defining a group’s speaking uniform by deciding how formal or informal the dress code is.

As a group, the overall question you want to be able to answer is: Did our dress provide an accurate first impression not distracting from the content? So what kinds of things can be distracting? The most common are colors, busy patterns, and large or clinking jewelry. As a group determine what type of dress is effective in coordinating your group’s credibility. It is important to take into consideration cultural, occupational, and regional norms. In addition, it is important to think about branding choices. Often groups want to brand themselves for the audience. It is not necessary to mimic your audience. For example, a sales presentation to cranberry association members may entice a group to wear red. However, the cranberry association may not be the only sale your group needs to make so you will be forced to ask the question: Will each sales presentation audience determine the color we accent in dress? In short, do not let the speaking occasion brand you. Simply know what is considered professional for this presentation. You have spent a lot of time on preparing the content for this audience so do not detract from it.

It is not always feasible to practice your delivery in the actual room where you will deliver your speech. However, it is extremely important that you actively plan your delivery for the room by recreating the speaking environment. If prior access to the room is not available, then you will need to do your planning by asking a series of questions of the presentation planner. Some common things to find out include the size of the room; if a projector is available and its location within the room; is there a platform and/or a stationary lectern; is there a sound system and how many microphones; where the group will be seated before being introduced; will the presentation be recorded; what is the availability of the room in advance of the presentation; and what is the number of seats and seating arrangement so the group can plan for the zone of interaction.

Three people sit on stools on a stage before an audience with a screen with a visual aid behind them

The term visuals refers to both non-technology visual aids (handouts, posters, charts, etc.) and presentation technology. Visuals should not appear as though several individuals made them but rather as uniform to the group’s presentation. All visuals should blend smoothly into the speech. All group members should be clear on what visuals or documents were pre-requested (so you do not eliminate them as unnecessary during rehearsal). Many times it is better to simply project or display visuals. At other times, visuals may need to be assembled in a presentation packet for all audience members. Bohn & Jabusch (1982) suggest that there are several researched-based reasons why visual aids enhance presentations including (a) enhanced understanding —helps audience comprehend what they hear and see; (b) enhanced memory —serves as a visual reinforcement; (c) enhanced organization—visually displays your organizational strategy; (d) enhanced attention —grabs and maintains audience interest; and (e) enhanced sequencing —shows rather than describes.

The four modes of delivery—memorized, impromptu, manuscript, and extemporaneous—are all valuable in group presentations. However, the most common mode of delivery is extemporaneous. Earlier in the chapter, developing a script was discussed. The step of transforming the script into a delivery outline —an abbreviated version of the preparation outline (DiSanza & Legge, 2011)—is a significant part of planning delivery. The ultimate goal is to figure out how the group can be confident that the entire presentation stays together and does not just exist in pieces. The delivery outline may go as far as to stipulate vocal and gesture instructions. The delivery outline is not created to be read from, therefore, the group also should determine how speaker notes will be used. The delivery outline should be provided to every group member so everyone is familiar with the entire presentation. It is important to set up contingency plans for who will present content if someone is absent on the day of the presentation—the presenter who gets stuck in morning traffic or the professional who had a flight delay.

The key is for all group members to remain conversational in their delivery style. This may be best achieved by utilizing effective delivery strategies such as appropriate gestures, movement, and posture; appropriate facial expressions including eye contact; and appropriate vocal delivery—articulation, dialect, pitch, pronunciation, rate, and volume. Group members should evaluate each other on audibility and fluency.

Rehearsals are for the final polishing of your presentations. It is a time to solidify logistics of how many group members are presenting, where they will stand, and the most appropriate transitions between each speaker. Group members should grow more comfortable with each other through rehearsals. A key aspect of polishing involves identifying gaps in content and gaining feedback on content (oral and visual), style, and delivery. The rehearsals are a good time to refine speaker notes and to practice the time limit. The number of scheduled rehearsals is dependent on your group and the amount of preparation time provided. The most important element for the group is to adapt their rehearsal timetable based on an honest evaluation of the speaking skills represented within the group.

The only part of a group presentation that you may not be able to rehearse is responding to the actual audience members’ questions and objections. However, you can anticipate the types of questions and practice a simple strategy of how you will respond—repeating the question, stating who from the group will respond, and answering succinctly. Four of the most common types of questions are follow-up questions; action-oriented questions focused on what would you do if; hypothetical questions focused on different scenarios; and information-seeking questions. A primary way to practice is to think of at least three questions you would like to answer, prepare the answer, and practice it during rehearsal(s).

The foundation of a group presentation is constructed from all the guidelines you use in an individual presentation coupled with additional strategies for working effectively with others. Group presentations primarily entail group communication, planning, organization, and delivery. Effective groups communicate about interaction roles, decision-making, and conflict resolution. Such communication helps the group reflect on group dynamics, customize communication for this speaking group, and establish a unified commitment and collaborative climate.

Review & Reflection Questions

  • How might a group presentation be different than presenting individually?
  • In preparing for a group presentation, what are some key questions and considerations for your group?
  • How can you ensure your group presentation is effective and appears ‘as one’?
  • Beebe, S.A. & Mottet, T.P. (2010). Business and professional communication: Principles and skills for leadership . Allyn & Bacon.
  • Bohn, E. & Jabusch, D. (1982). The effect of four methods of instruction on the use of visual aids in speeches. Western Journal of Speech Communication, 46 , 253-265.
  • DiSanza, J.R., & Legge, N. J. (2011). Business and professional communication: Plans, processes, and performance (5th ed.). Pearson.
  • Fripp. P. (2011). 9 timely tips for pre-presentation preparation. American Salesman, 56 , 13- 16.
  • Keller, J.M. (1983). Motivational design of instruction. In C.M. Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional design theories: An overview of their current status (pp. 383-434). Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Kowitz, A.C. & Knutson., T.J. (1980). Decision making in small groups: The search for alternatives . Allyn and Bacon.
  • Sprague, J. & Stuart D. (2005). The speaker’s handbook (7th ed. ) . Thomson Wadsworth.

Authors & Attribution

This content comes from the introduction, “Preparing All Parts of the Assignment” and “Delivering Your Presentation as One” written by Jennifer F. Wood, Ph.D., in Chapter 18 Group Presentations . from the Public Speaking Project . This content is licensed under a CC BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License.

harmonious combination or interaction, as of functions or parts

a structured argument in which participants speak for or against a pre-announced proposition

a presentation in which one or more experts may be questioned by a panel of other experts, journalists, and/or the audience

a presentation format that consists of a group of experts publicly discussing a topic among themselves

a presentation format that involves a series of short speeches, usually informative, on various aspects of the same general topic

a clear, agreed outcome for the presentation

a full-sentence outline of virtually everything the speaker intends to say. The outline allows the speakers to test the structure, the logic, and persuasive appeals in the speech

an abbreviated version of the preparation outline

Presenting as a Group Copyright © 2020 by Jasmine R. Linabary, Ph.D. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Individual Presentations and Group Presentations

Individual Presentations are structured talks or speeches delivered by a single person to an audience, aiming to inform, persuade, or entertain. These presentations typically involve the speaker sharing their knowledge, ideas, or findings on a specific topic, often supported by visual aids such as slides, charts, or videos. The format allows the presenter to showcase their expertise, communication skills, and ability to engage the audience. Individual presentations are common in academic settings, professional environments, and conferences, serving purposes such as presenting research, pitching business ideas, or providing training. Effective individual presentations require thorough preparation, clear organization, and confident delivery to ensure the message is conveyed effectively and the audience remains engaged.

Features of Individual Presentations:

Single Speaker Focus :

The presentation is delivered by one person, allowing for a clear, singular narrative and focused delivery. This ensures a consistent message and style throughout.

Personal Expertise :

The presenter showcases their own knowledge, skills, and insights on the topic, establishing credibility and authority. This personal touch can make the content more engaging and persuasive.

Structured Format :

Individual presentations are typically well-organized with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. This structure helps the audience follow the content and understand the key points being made.

Visual Aids :

The use of slides, charts, graphs, videos, and other visual aids enhances understanding and retention of information. These tools support the verbal message and can make complex information more accessible.

Audience Engagement :

Effective individual presentations involve engaging the audience through questions, interactive elements, and dynamic delivery techniques. This interaction keeps the audience interested and involved.

Personalized Delivery :

The presenter’s unique style, body language, and vocal tone contribute to the overall impact. A confident and enthusiastic delivery can significantly enhance the presentation’s effectiveness.

Flexibility and Adaptability :

The presenter can adapt the content and delivery in real-time based on audience reactions and feedback. This flexibility allows for a more responsive and tailored presentation experience.

Group Presentations

Group presentations are collaborative efforts where multiple individuals jointly deliver a talk or presentation to an audience. Each member of the group typically contributes to the preparation and delivery, covering different aspects of the overall topic. This format allows for a comprehensive exploration of the subject, as different perspectives and expertise are shared. Group presentations are common in educational settings, corporate environments, and professional conferences, facilitating teamwork, communication, and coordination among participants. Effective group presentations require clear division of responsibilities, cohesive organization, and seamless transitions between speakers. The collaborative nature of group presentations not only enriches the content but also showcases the ability of the team to work together harmoniously to achieve a common goal.

Features of Group Presentations:

Collaborative Effort :

Group presentations involve multiple speakers working together to deliver a cohesive presentation. Each member contributes their expertise and perspectives on the topic.

Division of Responsibilities :

Team members typically divide tasks such as research, content creation, slide preparation, and delivery. This division ensures comprehensive coverage of the topic and efficient use of team resources.

Diverse Perspectives :

Group presentations benefit from diverse viewpoints and insights from team members with different backgrounds, experiences, and expertise. This diversity enriches the content and provides a holistic view of the subject.

Interactive Elements :

Groups often incorporate interactive elements such as Q&A sessions, panel discussions, or group activities into their presentations. These elements engage the audience and encourage participation.

Structured Organization :

Like individual presentations, group presentations are well-structured with a clear introduction, main points, supporting details, and conclusion. This structure helps maintain coherence and clarity.

Enhanced Visuals :

Groups can utilize a variety of visual aids including slides, videos, infographics, and demonstrations. These visuals enhance understanding, illustrate key points, and make the presentation more compelling.

Teamwork and Coordination :

Effective group presentations demonstrate teamwork, coordination, and communication among team members. Smooth transitions between speakers, consistent messaging, and shared goals are evident.

Key differences between Individual Presentations and Group Presentations

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What is a Presentation? Objectives, Elements, Important skills, Four Ps

  • Post last modified: 4 June 2023
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define group presentation

What is a Presentation?

A presentation communicates a message, an idea or information to a group. It is similar to a report, but with a key difference–the human element. A presentation conveys the speaker’s personality and enables immediate interaction among all participants.

Table of Content

  • 1 What is a Presentation?
  • 2.1 To Inform
  • 2.2 To Train
  • 2.3 To Persuade
  • 2.4 To Motivate
  • 2.5 To Entertain
  • 3 Main Elements of Presentation
  • 4.1 Analytical ability
  • 4.2 Effective communication ability
  • 4.3 Creative ability
  • 4.4 Good interpersonal skill
  • 4.5 Sound time management
  • 4.6 Problem-solving ability
  • 4.7 A sense of humour
  • 5 Evaluation Wheel
  • 6.1 Prepare
  • 6.2 Practice
  • 6.3 Present
  • 7.1 Know Yourself
  • 7.2 Know Your Material
  • 7.3 Know Your Purpose
  • 7.4 Know Your Audience

Objectives of Presentation

The main objectives of a presentation are:

To Persuade

To motivate, to entertain.

A presentation is created to convey some information to a group of people. For example, a presentation may display an organisation’s quarterly performance.

Most training programmes in organisations are done through the presentation mode. Such instructional presentations convey a lot of information and are created with instructional design principles to keep the audience engaged for a long period.

Some presentations are used to convince a group of people to accept a particular idea and/or make a certain choice.

The growing popularity of TED Talks indicates how a presentation can be a powerful motivation tool. These presentations trigger emotions and inspire people to act.

Presentations can also be used to celebrate an event. For example, a farewell presentation of a colleague can be used to narrate the story of his/her overall tenure, experiences and achievement in the organisation.

Main Elements of Presentation

A presentation is said to be effective if it has three main elements, which are as follows:

  • Specific content : This refers to the information that a presentation will comprise. The information must be conveyed effectively so that it is absorbed by the audience in one sitting. It should be relevant and meaningful to them.
  • Audience : A presentation should be targeted for a specific group of audience who share the same purpose and have a similar level of pre-knowledge.
  • Presenter: The presenter should act as the advocate of the information. If his/her conviction and passion in the message are clearly articulated, the audience will also pay attention to the subject.

Important Presentation Skills

In today’s business environment, presentation skills are requisite in almost every professional arena. Employees are often required to give presentations on the targets achieved by them. A presentation can be effective if it is carefully planned and prepared.

However, delivering presentations is not always easy for every individual. Some people take presenting as a probable opportunity to showcase skills, while others find it a challenging task. To provide an effective presentation, a presenter must possess some abilities.

Some of them are explained as follows:

Analytical ability

Effective communication ability, creative ability, good interpersonal skill, sound time management, problem-solving ability, a sense of humour.

It refers to a calibre which empowers an individual to collect, organise, visualise and comprehend data. Such skills enable a person to look at related patterns, draw conclusions and find solutions to problems. In addition, sound analytical skills also enable an individual to forecast future trends using various techniques such as brainstorming, forecasting, data mining and metrics interpretation.

Communication entails much more than mere talking to the audience. To communicate effectively during a presentation, one ought to showcase information lucidly. During a presentation, a person should not just have a good set of slides together; rather he needs to engage and strike a chord with the audience to transmit the intended message.

It refers to the ability to present things in a creative way that have not been explored earlier. Creative skills in presentation enable an individual to invent or develop something path-breaking, such as a new concept, unique way out from a problem, a method, a work of art or new machinery, etc.

It encompasses how an individual portrays or presents himself to the audience and builds a rapport with the audience. During a presentation, sound interpersonal skills empower a speaker to interact, communicate and collaborate with the audience effectively.

Interpersonal skills are prevalent across all personal and professional interactions between people. Interpersonal skills entail empathy, active listening and emotional intelligence.

While delivering a presentation, a person should manage time effectively, set a presentation schedule and end a presentation within a stipulated time. If a presentation is long, there are chances the audience may lose interest and the message may not be delivered.

A speaker cannot expect audience to actively listen to the presentation for hours. At the start of presentation, a speaker should aim to grab audience’s attention and allocate time for questions and answers at the end.

Problem-solving is a requisite skill for a presentation. During a presentation, the audience may ask the speaker any kind of questions. On the other hand, it is important for the speaker to provide an appropriate answer to the audience to make the presentation successful.

A sense of humour is crucial to deliver a quality presentation to make the environment light and engaging. Appropriate usage of light jokes relieves stress and holds the attention of an audience, which makes the presentation a memorable experience for both the speaker and the audience.

Evaluation Wheel

Evaluation wheel is a creative and effective tool that accumulates information on outcomes in a simple and accessible manner. A presenter can opt for the evaluation wheel tool to show the outcomes of the research or reports. This tool is used to provide various types of information and journeys of change within the organisation.

It offers a visual representation of progression and results in the form of a spider diagram. The evaluation wheel measures the exact outcomes for a programme at the start and end. It also helps educators, designers to comprehend information systematically. Figure shows an example of evaluation wheel:

Figure states the scale questionnaire in a circle form wherein respondents will analyse the instances from their discretion and experience and give rating on a scale of 1 to 5.

For instance, service users are appropriately involved. In this case, if the respondent strongly agrees, he/she will give 5 rating and if he/she does not agree, he/she will give 1 rating. The centre of the circle is for 1 and as the respondent agrees, they reach out to edge for 5 rating.

Ps of Presentation

Even the most powerful presentation may fail if the presenter comes unprepared. A presentation is both a mental and a physical effort. There are Ps of presentation that provide a checklist to the presenter for ensuring that the presentation is well-constructed and clear so that the audience gets the message. These four Ps are explained as follows:

A thoroughly prepared presentation captivates the interests of the audience. The topic or content of the presentation must be thoroughly researched. No one would develop interest in a vague or equivocal presentation. A speaker can make use of stories or relatable examples and quote references to give more depth to the presentation and make it intriguing.

Apart from that, it should be ensured that only important points are highlighted in bullets or using other graphical elements. Providing too much of theory or full sentences can create boredom for the audience.

While preparing for a presentation, the presenter should include the following sections:

  • Introduction : This section includes the name of the topic and the purpose of the presentation.
  • Body : This section contains the main content of the presentation; thus, it must be prepared in a well-organised manner.
  • Summary : It provides a recap of the content of the presentation. It outlines the most important points of the presentation to ensure the key message is retained by the audience.

Practice will make a man perfect is an adage that is appropriate across all spheres of life. It helps a speaker become familiar with his/her own voice, words and phrases and adjust accordingly. By practising thoroughly, a speaker can explore how to fit different pieces of information together and practise transition.

Also, a speaker should make notes wherever required as a part of presentation support. Using an index card is a common form of note-taking that provides a quick glimpse of important points.

While delivering a presentation, the speaker needs to demonstrate confidence in front of the audience. The speaker must be polite, but not apologetic in situations, such as if the session is running overtime or the microphone has stopped working.

Instead he/she should expect and ask for discipline and attention. It is important for a speaker to engage with the audience during the presentation in order to assure them that he/she is genuinely interested in talking to them. 4. Pace, pitch and pause: A presenter should deliver the presentation in an easy-to-follow pace and try changing the pace to enliven the presentation.

For example, pauses can be taken intentionally between main points to reinforce them. Along with pace, pitch is equally important. Just as pace varies in normal conversations, it should be used effectively during presentations too. For example, when asking a question, the presenter can raise the pitch and can lower it down when explaining a point.

Four Cornerstones of Making Memorable Presentations

The most crucial aspect of delivering an effective presentation is that the speaker should appear confident and the speech should look effortless. Presentations are a source of anxiety for many individuals. However, getting well-prepared before delivering a presentation can reduce this feeling considerably and ease apprehension.

There are a number of ways to overcome feelings of anxiety, stress and stage fright before the presentation in order to appear confident in front of the audience. The four cornerstones of making a memorable presentation are provided in the upcoming sections.

Know Yourself

Know your material, know your purpose, know your audience.

A presenter should acknowledge his/her strengths and weaknesses. Accordingly, he/she should decide the style of delivering a presentation. For instance, if a presenter has a great sense of humour and can use it comfortably in the speech, he/she can make the presentation more engaging and interesting.

On the other hand, if the speaker who is an introvert and prefers to talk or engage less, he/she can add visuals in the presentation. Therefore, the trick is whosoever is delivering the presentation should feel comfortable.

Knowing the topic thoroughly is the most important step in preparing and delivering a presentation. A presenter with well-versed knowledge of the topic is bound to feel more confident. One should perform extensive research of the topic using credible websites and surveys.

A presenter with minimal information about the topic will not be able to deliver a memorable presentation; rather, it would create a negative image in front of the audience. A good presentation is one that is centred around the main theme, presents relevant information and stimulates thought.

It is crucial to know the purpose of the presentation. A presenter should be aware of whether the purpose is to create awareness or to build new skills or to change attitudes. For instance, professional firms or businesses use presentations for various purposes such as to create awareness, educate, motivate and persuade internal and external audiences.

Therefore, to prepare a presentation, identify its objective/purpose, determine the method of delivery, formulate a structure, include visual aids and rehearse.

One should know the type of audience and what is their purpose of attending the presentation. For instance, whether they are there for gaining knowledge or learning new skills, etc. The age, culture and knowledge base of the audience help a presenter in designing and delivering his/her presentation effectively and in a manner in which audience can easily understand and relate to.

A well-designed presentation uses visual aids effectively to reinforce the main points and enhance the audience’s level of understanding.

Business Communication Notes

( Click on Topic to Read )

  • What is Business Communication?
  • What is Communication?

Types of Communication

7 c of communication.

  • Barriers To Business Communication
  • Oral Communication
  • Types Of Non Verbal Communication
  • What is Written Communication?
  • What are Soft Skills?
  • Interpersonal vs Intrapersonal communication
  • Barriers to Communication

Importance of Communication Skills

  • Listening in Communication
  • Causes of Miscommunication
  • What is Johari Window?
  • What is Presentation?

Communication Styles

  • Channels of Communication
  • Hofstede’s Dimensions of Cultural Differences and Benett’s Stages of Intercultural Sensitivity
  • Organisational Communication
  • Horizontal C ommunication
  • Grapevine Communication
  • Downward Communication
  • Verbal Communication Skills
  • Upward Communication
  • Flow of Communication
  • What is Emotional Intelligence?
  • What is Public Speaking?
  • Upward vs Downward Communication
  • Internal vs External Communication
  • What is Group Discussion?
  • What is Interview?
  • What is Negotiation?
  • What is Digital Communication?
  • What is Letter Writing?
  • Resume and Covering Letter
  • What is Report Writing?
  • What is Business Meeting?
  • What is Public Relations?
  • What Is Market Segmentation?
  • What Is Marketing Mix?
  • Marketing Concept
  • Marketing Management Process
  • What Is Marketing Environment?
  • What Is Consumer Behaviour?
  • Business Buyer Behaviour
  • Demand Forecasting
  • 7 Stages Of New Product Development
  • Methods Of Pricing
  • What Is Public Relations?
  • What Is Marketing Management?
  • What Is Sales Promotion?
  • Types Of Sales Promotion
  • Techniques Of Sales Promotion
  • What Is Personal Selling?
  • What Is Advertising?
  • Market Entry Strategy
  • What Is Marketing Planning?
  • Segmentation Targeting And Positioning
  • Brand Building Process
  • Kotler Five Product Level Model
  • Classification Of Products
  • Types Of Logistics
  • What Is Consumer Research?
  • What Is DAGMAR?
  • Consumer Behaviour Models
  • What Is Green Marketing?
  • What Is Electronic Commerce?
  • Agricultural Cooperative Marketing
  • What Is Marketing Control?
  • What Is Marketing Communication?
  • What Is Pricing?
  • Models Of Communication
  • What is Sales Management?
  • Objectives of Sales Management
  • Responsibilities and Skills of Sales Manager
  • Theories of Personal Selling
  • What is Sales Forecasting?
  • Methods of Sales Forecasting
  • Purpose of Sales Budgeting
  • Methods of Sales Budgeting
  • Types of Sales Budgeting
  • Sales Budgeting Process
  • What is Sales Quotas?
  • What is Selling by Objectives (SBO) ?
  • What is Sales Organisation?
  • Types of Sales Force Structure
  • Recruiting and Selecting Sales Personnel
  • Training and Development of Salesforce
  • Compensating the Sales Force
  • Time and Territory Management
  • What Is Logistics?
  • What Is Logistics System?
  • Technologies in Logistics
  • What Is Distribution Management?
  • What Is Marketing Intermediaries?
  • Conventional Distribution System
  • Functions of Distribution Channels
  • What is Channel Design?
  • Types of Wholesalers and Retailers
  • What is Vertical Marketing Systems?
  • What i s Marketing?
  • What i s A BCG Matrix?
  • 5 M’S Of Advertising
  • What i s Direct Marketing?
  • Marketing Mix For Services
  • What Market Intelligence System?
  • What i s Trade Union?
  • What Is International Marketing?
  • World Trade Organization (WTO)
  • What i s International Marketing Research?
  • What is Exporting?
  • What is Licensing?
  • What is Franchising?
  • What is Joint Venture?
  • What is Turnkey Projects?
  • What is Management Contracts?
  • What is Foreign Direct Investment?
  • Factors That Influence Entry Mode Choice In Foreign Markets
  • What is Price Escalations?
  • What is Transfer Pricing?
  • Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)
  • What is Promotion Mix?
  • Factors Affecting Promotion Mix
  • Functions & Role Of Advertising
  • What is Database Marketing?
  • What is Advertising Budget?
  • What is Advertising Agency?
  • What is Market Intelligence?
  • What is Industrial Marketing?
  • What is Customer Value
  • What is Consumer Behaviour?
  • What Is Personality?
  • What Is Perception?
  • What Is Learning?
  • What Is Attitude?
  • What Is Motivation?
  • Consumer Imagery
  • Consumer Attitude Formation
  • What Is Culture?
  • Consumer Decision Making Process
  • Applications of Consumer Behaviour in Marketing
  • Motivational Research
  • Theoretical Approaches to Study of Consumer Behaviour
  • Consumer Involvement
  • Consumer Lifestyle
  • Theories of Personality
  • Outlet Selection
  • Organizational Buying Behaviour
  • Reference Groups
  • Consumer Protection Act, 1986
  • Diffusion of Innovation
  • Opinion Leaders
  • What is Business Law?
  • Indian Contract Act 1872
  • Essential Elements of a Valid Contract
  • Types of Contract
  • What is Discharge of Contract?
  • Performance of Contract
  • Sales of Goods Act 1930
  • Goods & Price: Contract of Sale
  • Conditions and Warranties
  • Doctrine of Caveat Emptor
  • Transfer of Property
  • Rights of Unpaid Seller
  • Negotiable Instruments Act 1881
  • Types of Negotiable Instruments
  • Types of Endorsement
  • What is Promissory Note?
  • What is Cheque?
  • What is Crossing of Cheque?
  • What is Bill of Exchange?
  • What is Offer?
  • Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Articles of Association
  • What is Director?
  • Trade Unions Act, 1926
  • Industrial Disputes Act 1947
  • Employee State Insurance Act 1948
  • Payment of Wages Act 1936
  • Payment of Bonus Act 1965
  • Labour Law in India
  • What is Brand Management?
  • 4 Steps of Strategic Brand Management Process
  • Customer Based Brand Equity
  • What is Brand Equity?

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18.1: Introduction to Group Presentations

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  • Page ID 9071

  • Jennifer Wood@Millersville University
  • Millersville University via Public Speaking Project

\( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \)

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Chapter Objectives

After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

  • Identify the differences between a small group, a team, and a speaking group
  • Evaluate your individual presentation skills
  • Describe the four coordination elements of group presentations
  • List the four common types of group presentations
  • Apply chapter concepts for coordinating group communication
  • Discuss techniques for coordinating a group assignment
  • Plan speech organization for the intended audience
  • Practice effective group delivery

Imagine you have been assigned to a group for a project requiring a presentation at the end. “Now is the busiest time in my schedule and I do not have time to fit all these people into it,” the voice in your head reminds you. Then you ask the question: “Is there ever a non-busy time for assembling a group together for a presentation ?” These thoughts are a part of a group presentation assignment. The combined expertise of several individuals is becoming increasingly necessary in many vocational (related to a specific occupation) andavocational (outside a specific occupation) presentations.

Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. ~ Vince Lombardi

Group presentations in business may range from a business team exchanging sales data; research and development teams discussing business expansion ideas; to annual report presentations by boards of directors. Also, the government, private, and public sectors have many committees that participate in briefings, conference presentations, and other formal presentations. It is common for group presentations to be requested, created, and delivered to bring together the expertise of several people in one presentation. Thus, the task of deciding the most valuable information for audience members has become a coordination task involving several individuals. All group members are responsible for coordinating things such as themes, strong support/evidence, and different personalities and approaches in a specified time period. Coordination is defined in the dictionary as harmonious combination or interaction, as of functions or parts. This chapter focuses on how the group, the speech assignment, the audience, and the presentation design play a role in the harmonious combination of planning, organization, and delivery for group presentations.

A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. ~ Margaret Mead
  • Interactive Presentation

5 Powerful Group Presentation Examples + Guide to Nail Your Next Talk

Leah Nguyen • 04 April, 2024 • 6 min read

A group presentation is a chance to combine your superpowers, brainstorm like mad geniuses, and deliver a presentation that'll have your audience begging for an encore.

That's the gist of it.

It can also be a disaster if it's not done right. Fortunately, we have awesome group presentation examples to help you get the hang of it💪.

Table of Contents

What is a good group presentation, #1. delivering a successful team presentation, #2. athletetrax team presentation, #3. bumble - 1st place - 2017 national business plan competition, #4. 2019 final round yonsei university, #5. 1st place | macy's case competition, bottom line, frequently asked questions, tips for audience engagement.

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Group presentation example

Here are some key aspects of a good group presentation:

• Organisation - The presentation should follow a logical flow, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. An outline or roadmap shown upfront helps guide the audience.

• Visual aids – Use slides, videos, diagrams, etc. to enhance the presentation and keep it engaging. But avoid overly packed slides with too much text. For the sake of convenience of quickly sharing the content, you can attach a QR code directly in your presentation using slides QR code generator for this goal.

• Speaking skills - Speak clearly, at an appropriate pace and volume. Make eye contact with the audience. Limit filler words and verbal tics.

• Participation - All group members should contribute to the presentation in an active and balanced way. They should speak in an integrated, conversational manner. You can also gather attention from your audience by using different interactive features, including spinner wheel word cloud , live Q&A , online quiz creator and survey tool , to maximize engagement.

🎉 Choose the best Q&A tool with AhaSlides

• Content - The material should be relevant, informative, and at an appropriate level for the audience. Good research and preparation ensure accuracy.

• Interaction - Involve the audience through questions, demonstrations, polls , or activities. This helps keep their attention and facilitates learning.

• Time management - Stay within the allotted time through careful planning and time checks. Have someone in the group monitor the clock.

• Audience focus - Consider the audience's needs and perspective. Frame the material in a way that is relevant and valuable to them.

• Conclusion - Provide a strong summary of the main points and takeaways. Leave the audience with key messages they'll remember from your presentation.

🎊 Tips: Icebreaker games | The secret weapon for connecting a new group

Present in powerful and creative visual

Engage your audience in real-time. Let them imprint your presentation in their head with revolutionising interactive slides!

Best Group Presentation Examples

To give you a good idea of what a good group presentation is, here are some specific examples for you to learn from.

The video provides helpful examples and recommendations to illustrate each of these tips for improving team presentations.

The speaker recommends preparing thoroughly as a team, assigning clear roles to each member, and rehearsing multiple times to deliver an effective team presentation that engages the audience.

They speak loudly and clearly, make eye contact with the audience, and avoid reading slides word for word.

The visuals are done properly, with limited text on slides, and relevant images and graphics are used to support key points.

The presentation follows a logical structure, covering the company overview, the problem they are solving, the proposed solution, business model, competition, marketing strategy, finances, and next steps. This makes it easy to follow.

The presenters speak clearly and confidently, make good eye contact with the audience, and avoid simply reading the slides. Their professional demeanor creates a good impression.

They provide a cogent and concise answer to the one question they receive at the end, demonstrating a good understanding of their business plan.

This group nails it with a positive attitude throughout the presentation . Smiles show warmness in opposition to blank stares.

The team cites relevant usage statistics and financial metrics to demonstrate Bumble's growth potential. This lends credibility to their pitch.

All points are elaborated well, and they switch between members harmoniously.

This group presentation shows that a little stutter initially doesn't mean it's the end of the world. They keep going with confidence and carry out the plan flawlessly, which impresses the judging panel.

The team provides clear, supported responses that demonstrate their knowledge and thoughtfulness.

When answering the questions from the judge, they exchange frequent eye contact with them, showing confident manners.

🎉 Tips: Divide your team into smaller groups for them to practice presenting better!

In this video , we can see instantly that each member of the group takes control of the stage they present naturally. They move around, exuding an aura of confidence in what they're saying.

For an intricate topic like diversity and inclusion, they made their points well-put by backing them up with figures and data.

🎊 Tips: Rate your presentation by effective rating scale tool , to make sure that everyone's satisfied with your presentation!

We hope these group presentation examples will help you and your team members achieve clear communication, organisation, and preparation, along with the ability to deliver the message in an engaging and compelling manner. These factors all contribute to a good group presentation that wow the audience.

More to read:

  • 💡 10 Interactive Presentation Techniques for Engagement
  • 💡 220++ Easy Topics for Presentation of all Ages
  • 💡 Complete Guide to Interactive Presentations

What is a group presentation?

A group presentation is a presentation given by multiple people, typically two or more, to an audience. Group presentations are common in academic, business, and organisational settings.

How do you make a group presentation?

To make an effective group presentation, clearly define the objective, assign roles among group members for researching, creating slides, and rehearsing, create an outline with an introduction, 3-5 key points, and a conclusion, and gather relevant facts and examples to support each point, include meaningful visual aids on slides while limiting text, practice your full presentation together and provide each other with feedback, conclude strongly by summarising key takeaways.

Leah Nguyen

Leah Nguyen

Words that convert, stories that stick. I turn complex ideas into engaging narratives - helping audiences learn, remember, and take action.

Tips to Engage with Polls & Trivia

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Presentation Skills

define group presentation

  • Introduction
  • Storytelling
  • Presentation Outlines
  • Writing a Presentation Script
  • Tools for Creating Presentations
  • Creating Interactive Presentations
  • Designing Presentation Slides
  • Finding & Citing Media
  • Citing Your Sources on Slides
  • Preparing & Testing Technology
  • Recording Your Presentation
  • Handling Audience Questions
  • Presentation Anxiety

Group Presentations

  • Online Presentations
  • Feedback Form
  • AI Survey for Students
  • Co-Curricular Recognition Form
  • Faculty Resources

Group presentations require the same skills we've covered so far in this module (e.g., well-structured ideas, visually appealing slides, etc.), but these assignments also need a different approach—creating an effective group presentation requires close collaboration, open communication, and lots of shared organization.

In this section, we'll explore some tips and tricks you can use to streamline your next group presentation!

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8 Tips for How to Present with a Team

  • Talk about what you will say.
  • Schedule time to practice your presentation.
  • Plan you presentation transitions.
  • Look interested in the presentation, even when you aren't talking.
  • Compliment and support each other.
  • Avoid the 'pile on' effect during the Q&A.
  • Write down your observations immediately after presenting.
  • Openly discuss with everyone what worked and what didn't.

Guidelines for the Group Presentation Cycle

Group presentations have similar stages and milestones as solo presentations—however, group presentations have their own unique challenges, such as making space for individuals to collaborate and produce a cohesive piece of work.

Click on the boxes below to learn about tips and tricks to help you prepare, present, and debrief during the group presentation cycle!

Preparing the presentation

Choose a project manager.

Your project manager will be the team's chosen leader. In this role, the project manager will facilitate group discussions, ensure that the group agrees on a presentation structure, support group members during disagreements, moderate the Q&A period of the presentation, and oversee any other tasks that help the group stay organized.

Define Your Presentation

Review your assignment carefully and—as a group—define what you want to do and what you need to do for your presentation.

Some questions to consider include:

  • What is the main objective of our presentation?
  • What key points do we need to cover?
  • How would we summarize our presentation in a single sentence ?

Deciding on your message means your group can start building key points around the topic—but keep in mind that each subtopic must contribute to the main objective of your presentation.

Write a Group Contract

A group contract is a document you create with your group that formalizes how members will work together to complete a project (like a presentation!)

If you're new to writing group contracts, check out the group contract section of the Group Work module on the Academic Skills Hub.

A few questions to answer at this stage include:

  • How will we divide the work among group members?
  • How much time will be given to each person to share their information?
  • What is our timeline for completing each part of the project?
  • How will we handle communication and updates within the group?
  • What visual aids will we use, and how will we share documents with each other?
  • Who will edit our slide deck and our script for clarity and consistency?
  • Who will handle the presentation tech during the session?

Build Your Presentation Together

It's tempting to work alone after you've divided up the work—but meeting regularly with your group to make shared decisions and agree on edits can lead to a stronger, more cohesive presentation.

A few benefits of close collaboration includes:

  • Immediate communication around edits or changes to your presentation content.
  • Creating a safe space to talk through challenges or ask for help from group members.
  • Preventing content duplication on slides and in the script.
  • Receiving feedback on your section's content with enough time to make changes.
  • Deciding who will handle specific types of questions during the Q&A portion of the session.

Make sure all group members have access to your group's shared files and folders—if a key person is sick on the day of the presentation, everyone in the group should be able to access that person's script and slide contributions.

Write and Practice Transitions

Clean transitions between speakers can guide your audience smoothly between topics and create a more professional experience.

One way to create transitions is to try the following:

  • Briefly summarize what you covered in your section of the presentation.
  • Introduce the next speaker in the team and explain what they will discuss.
  • End your introduction by looking at the next speaker, gesturing to them, and saying their name.
  • The next speaker will then acknowledge your transition.

It could sound like this:

Rupi : So, that was a brief introduction on what social anxiety is and how it can affect someone during a job interview. Now, Sarah will talk about the ways employers can reduce potential anxiety triggers for interviewees. Over to you, Sarah.

Sarah : Thank you, Rupi. Employers often have different approaches to job interviews…

Practice the Presentation

You should never run through your presentation for the first time in front of your class.

Rehearse your presentation multiple times before the due date to make sure:

  • Your ideas are well-structured.
  • Everyone is sticking to their time (and not going over time).
  • You can make edits where they're needed (e.g., correct a slide typo, shorten a spoken section, etc.).
  • You know who will answer specific questions during the Q&A section.

The more you rehearse your presentation, the more confident and comfortable you'll feel presenting the content and answering questions.

Introduce the Team

Your project manager can start the presentation with a brief introduction of the team—this is much smoother than each group member introducing themselves. The project manager should also provide a brief introduction to the presentation as well and what topics or subtopics will be covered.

Pay Attention to the Presentation

Stay attentive and engaged while each of your group members is presenting. Your audience can see your whole team throughout the presentation, so it's important to support your group by looking interested in what's being said and by reacting to their content, even if you've heard the content multiple times during rehearsals.

Agree on the Group's Appearance or Vibe

First impressions are important during any presentation, so make sure you're dressing the way you'd like your audience to perceive you. A good guideline is to dress more formally than the members of your audience.

Group members should aim to dress in a similar way (e.g., button-up shirts, similar colour palettes, etc.) and wear clothing that's both professional and comfortable.

Voice and Body Language

Body language and eye contact are useful tools to engage your audience during your presentation—check out the Presenting section in this module to learn more about how to pace yourself and project confidence during your presentation. This section also includes an activity where you can watch a video example of a good presentation vs. a bad presentation.

Write a Strong Conclusion

Since your conclusion is the last section of your presentation, your audience is more likely to remember it. Pick your strongest speaker or your project manager to summarize the key points of your presentation and lead into a clear concluding statement.

For example, if your presentation focused on the impact of social media on self-esteem, you could list all the main points you covered during your session, and then conclude: "Therefore, from the amount and quality of the evidence, we have decided that social media is [negatively/positively] affecting self-esteem."

Moderate the Q&A Period

Presentations often end with a Question and Answer (or Q&A) period where your audience can ask questions about your content. Sometimes, it can be difficult to predict what kinds of questions your audience will ask—but working in a group means that you as an individual don't need to have all the answers.

For a more in-depth look at how to approach the Q&A period, check out the Handling Audience Questions section of this module.

In a group presentation, it can be helpful to decide who will be the subject expert on a particular topic during the Q&A period. For example, if your group presentation focused on social anxiety during job interviews, and you did research on the employer's perspective of this topic, then you would answer any questions relating to the employer's views on job candidates' social anxiety.

Your project manager could also act as a moderator during the Q&A period—they can be the person to address the audience and they can call on the team's subject experts to provide more information when needed.

Debriefing after the presentation

Debriefing refers to a follow-up discussion or a shared analysis of your presentation after it's happened. All experiences—whether positive or negative—can be identified, discussed, and reflected on as a group to improve your individual and shared performance ahead of your next presentation.

You could use the following guidelines to structure your group debrief:

Prepare Some Notes

Before meeting with your group, take some time to review your presentation goals, assignment criteria, and audience feedback. Reflect on what went well and why, what was challenging and why, what you learned from the presentation, and what you would do differently next time. Write down your thoughts and observations, and make sure to share them during the debrief discussion.

Set the Tone and Ground Rules for the Debrief

When you meet with your group, start by expressing gratitude for the opportunity to work together and learn from each other. Make sure to acknowledge and appreciate each other's efforts and contributions to help set a positive and respectful tone for your debrief session.

Before anyone shares their thoughts, make sure to set some ground rules—such as being honest and constructive, listening actively and with empathy, focusing on the process and outcomes, and seeking feedback and suggestions rather than criticism and complaints. Remember, the goal is to learn how you can improve for your next presentation, not to hurt each other's feelings.

Share Your Reflections and Feedback

Invite each group member to share their reflections and feedback. Use the questions you prepared earlier as a guide to structure your discussion.

For example, you might want to talk about what you want to 'Start', 'Stop', or 'Continue' doing in future group presentations. Ask each team member to share specific examples and evidence to support their points.

In addition, encourage each group member to receive feedback with openness and curiosity rather than defensiveness or resistance. Ask questions, clarify misunderstandings, and seek new perspectives.

Identify Key Learnings and Action Steps

Once everyone has shared their ideas, summarize the key learnings and action steps from the debriefing session. A simple format could include reflecting on what was learned, what you're proud of and want to celebrate, what you are dissatisfied with and want to change, and what your goals and plans for future presentations include. Make sure to share notes with everyone in the group.

Activity: Group Presentation in Practice

Curious to see how all of these tips and tricks come together in a presentation?

Watch the video below to see a team deliver a presentation on how to deliver team presentations!

  • Last Updated: Nov 4, 2024 2:04 PM
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Module 14: Small Group Communication

Presenting as a group, learning objectives.

Describe different formats for presenting as or for a small group.

Five people presenting as a group

Small groups are often a problem-solving group that researches a situation or problem that presents their conclusions and recommendations. This presentation might take different forms including an individual reporting, a group presentation, or a panel discussion. [1]

Regardless of the particular method of delivery, all the elements of outstanding public speaking apply. These elements include a logical structure; an engaging introduction and strong conclusion; well-supported main points; and clear, descriptive language. In terms of delivery, having excellent eye contact, vocal variety, an open posture, and animated features all combine to effectively convey the group’s message.

Let’s look at three presentation formats in more detail:

Individual Report

Although the entire small group has participated in researching and discussing a particular project or objective, oftentimes one person will be designated to present the findings or recommendations. This person might be a group leader or a member who enjoys or has experience presenting. Ideally, the entire group would assist in putting together the presentation so that it is balanced, easy to follow, and well supported. Both the main presenter and the group members might be called upon to answer questions both before and after the presentation. Depending on the tone and setup of the presentation, group members might chime in to clarify any points, so long as they don’t take over the presentation.

“A symposium is a public presentation in which several people present prepared speeches on different aspects of the same topic” (Lucas, 2020, p. 387). If your small group presents a symposium, you need to decide in advance who will present which aspect of your findings or project and practice in advance. Sometimes, the group leader will act as a moderator to introduce the group and segue between each speaker. Other times, each speaker will conclude their remarks by introducing the next speaker: “now that I’ve talked about the risks of adopting our proposal, I’ll turn the time over to Raj to discuss how we hope to address those risks.” In a symposium, each speaker needs to plan their time carefully so they don’t take over other presenters’ allotted time.

Panel Discussion

Like a symposium, a panel discussion draws on some or all members of a small group to present. Unlike a symposium, a panel discussion tends to be more informal and conversational, with a moderator introducing each panelist, asking questions and facilitating the discussion. Like all public speakers, panelists should be well prepared with their content and confer with other panelists in advance, possibly bringing along notes to refer to. However, the tone should still be more spontaneous and discussion oriented with some back-and-forth among panelists and with the moderator. A panel discussion often involves a question-and-answer period with the audience. When asked questions, panelists should listen carefully to each question, keep their responses relatively brief, and be sure they’ve clearly understood and responded to any questions.

Practice Question

Candela citations.

  • Panel discussion. Authored by : Quinn Dombrowski. Located at : . License : CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
  • Presenting as a Group. Authored by : Susan Bagley-Koyle with Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Lucas, Stephen.  The Art of Public Speaking . United States, McGraw-Hill Education, 2020. ↵

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  1. How to Give a Great Group Presentation

    define group presentation

  2. Group Presentation

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  3. Group Presentation Tips for Power and Impact

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  4. presentation-group

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  5. Educational Vignettes

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  6. Group Presentation 1

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  1. What is Presentation? Definition, Parts and Factors ...

    Definition: A presentation is a form of communication in which the speaker conveys information to the audience. In an organization presentations are used in various scenarios like talking to a group, addressing a meeting, demonstrating or introducing a new product, or briefing a team. It involves presenting a particular subject or issue or new ...

  2. Presenting as a Group – Small Group Communication

    Types of Group Presentations. A key component of a preparation plan is the type of group presentation. Not all group presentations require a format of standing in front of an audience and presenting. According to Sprague and Stuart (2005), there are four common types of group presentations:

  3. Individual Presentations and Group Presentations - theintactone

    Nov 6, 2019 · The presenter can adapt the content and delivery in real-time based on audience reactions and feedback. This flexibility allows for a more responsive and tailored presentation experience. Group Presentations. Group presentations are collaborative efforts where multiple individuals jointly deliver a talk or presentation to an audience. Each ...

  4. What is a Presentation? Objectives, Elements, Important ...

    Jun 4, 2023 · A presentation can be effective if it is carefully planned and prepared. However, delivering presentations is not always easy for every individual. Some people take presenting as a probable opportunity to showcase skills, while others find it a challenging task. To provide an effective presentation, a presenter must possess some abilities.

  5. 18.1: Introduction to Group Presentations - Social Sci LibreTexts

    This chapter focuses on how the group, the speech assignment, the audience, and the presentation design play a role in the harmonious combination of planning, organization, and delivery for group presentations. A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. ~ Margaret Mead

  6. 5 Powerful Group Presentation Examples - AhaSlides

    Apr 4, 2024 · To make an effective group presentation, clearly define the objective, assign roles among group members for researching, creating slides, and rehearsing, create an outline with an introduction, 3-5 key points, and a conclusion, and gather relevant facts and examples to support each point, include meaningful visual aids on slides while limiting ...

  7. Group Presentations - Presentation Skills - All Guides at ...

    Nov 4, 2024 · Group presentations require the same skills we've covered so far in this module (e.g., well-structured ideas, visually appealing slides, etc.), but these assignments also need a different approach—creating an effective group presentation requires close collaboration, open communication, and lots of shared organization.

  8. Presenting Group Thinking | Boundless Communications

    A symposium presentation is a group presentation that is essentially a collection of individual presentations covering a broad topic. The topic is broken up into subtopics, and each group member, one after another, makes a presentation on his or her subtopic. All together, the group covers the topic in its entirety.

  9. Presenting as a Group | Public Speaking - Lumen Learning

    Depending on the tone and setup of the presentation, group members might chime in to clarify any points, so long as they don’t take over the presentation. Symposium “A symposium is a public presentation in which several people present prepared speeches on different aspects of the same topic” (Lucas, 2020, p. 387).

  10. How To Effectively Present to a Group in 10 Steps (With ...

    Aug 15, 2024 · Learning how to improve your presentation skills can help you give interesting and engaging presentations in a professional context. In this article, we provide the benefits of presenting to a group and list 10 strategies for improving group presentations to help you showcase your knowledge and communication skills.