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Family Life Education Notes
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Family Life Education o Provides opportunities for individuals and families to enhance and improve their lives by providing the knowledge and skills needed for effective family living Levels of family life education o Level 1 Minimal face-to-face contact o Level 2 Information and advice o Level 3 Feelings and support o Level 4 Brief focused intervention o Level 5 Family therapy Family life education is o Prevention o Education o Collaboration Operational principles of FLE Prevention o FLE is relevant to individuals and families throughout the life span because it focuses on prevention Education o FLE takes an educational rather than therapeutic approach Collaboration o FLE is based on the needs of individuals and their families members collaborating together FLE is a multi disciplinary area of study and is multi professional in its practice FLE programs are offered in many different settings FLE presents and respects differing family values FLE Areas of Focus o Families and society Understanding families and their relationships to other institutions o Internal dynamics of families Understanding family strengths and weaknesses and how family members relate to each other o Human growth and development over the life span Understanding the developmental changes of individuals in families throughout the life span o Interpersonal relationships Understanding of the development and maintenance of interpersonal relationships
o Human sexuality Understanding the physiological, psychological and social aspects of sexual development throughout the lifespan Family resource management o Understanding the decisions individuals and families make about developing and allocating resources, including Time Money and material assets Friends and neighbors Space Parent education o Understanding of how parents teach, guide and influence children and adolescents Family law and public policy o Understanding of the legal definition of the family and laws which affect the status of the family Ethics o Understanding the character and quality of human social conduct and the ability to critically examine ethical questions and issues FLE methodology o Understanding the general philosophy and broad principles of family life education in conjunction with the ability to Plan Implement Evaluate
Family systems theory Generally developed and emerged in the 1960s Ernest Burgess 1926 o Referred to the family as a unity of interacting personalities o More than the formal and legal family definition Ludwig von bertalnffy 1969 o Taking general systems principles and applying them to life Theory referred to early on as family process theory Basic assumptions o The whole is greater than the sum of the parts o The locus of pathology (location of the problem) is not within the person, but is a system dysfunction o Circular causality guides behavior (linear vs circular) o Rules are discovered in retrospect o Rules result from the redundancy principle Redundancy principle
The discovery stage The pioneering stage The maturing stage o The discovery stage was marked by the emergence of family as a legitimate topic of scientific inquiry by scholars trained in numerous fields, such as sociology, law, economics, criminology, and psychology The study of family was purely interdisciplinary during the discovery stage, but the transition toward a disciplinary identity – the pioneering stage Maturing stage was marked by Wesley Burr’s presidential address at the 1982 NCFR conference where he argued that Grove’s vision had come to fruition and a new discipline had been born Family science as the term to refer to the field of study where the primary goals are the discovery, verification, an application of knowledge about the family Family science is now transitioning to a new stage in its development, (which they labeled the evaluation and innovation stage), that will require clarification and articulation of the relevance and application of family science What is family science o The primary goals are the discovery, verification, and application of knowledge about the family o Multiple disciplinary field of study o These forms of multiple disciplinary interaction exist at different locations on the same continuum and are distinguished by the degree of cross disciplinary integration The practice of family science o Program evaluation, which is intended to ensure that the programs developed and delivered by family life educators are accomplishing their goals o Locating and consuming research o In contrast to narrative reviews- which are most common for introducing a study and are therefore implicitly crafted in a biased manner to serve the needs of that particular study – a systematic review o Meta analyses are statistical analyses that sometimes stem from systemic reviews; they are especially useful for pooling individual findings across studies comprising an entire body of literature, which overcomes many methodological and statistical nuances that may skew the findings of individual studies in one direction or another o Four fundamental scientific criteria Truth value Applicability Consistency Neutrality o Truth-value concerns how many realities there are to be discovered; does the issue at hand have a single universal truth, or are there multiple truths across people or events? o Applicability can be applied to the reader’s population of interest
o Consistency addresses change over time, specifically whether the findings can be expected to remain consistent across time or may have been specific to the moment in time when the data were collected o Neutrality entails an assessment of the role that the investigator or author may have plead in shaping the findings; would a different scholar using the same data have reported the same findings and arrived at the same conclusions? Consulting the literature o General aspects of that literature should be clear The state of knowledge The caveats about and contexts in which that knowledge is applicable The gaps in existing knowledge
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Family life Education and Quality of Life
- January 22, 2021
Introduction to Family and Family Life Education:
- A family is a group of relatives living and dining under the same root who are related to each other by blood or marriage. Grandparents/ parents and children have their own position roles according to their age and status.
- Family life education is an awareness which educates people on the matters such as what people’s roles are at different stages of their life and how to fulfill them. It teaches people knowledge, roles, and obligation that the people have at different stages of their life and how to perform their roles properly.
Introduction to Quality of Life, its Need and Importance:
Human Necessities:
Introduction to Quality of Life:
It refers to a state of a high level of satisfaction and happiness due to easy fulfillment of all the necessities of life.
Need and Importance of Quality of Life:
- Fulfillment of Basic Needs
- Attainment of Quality Education
- Management of health service, Facilities, and sanitation
- Facilities of maternal and child welfare
- Opportunities of income Generating Activities and employment
- Women empowerment
- The feeling of co-existence
Elements of Quality of Life:
- Nutritious food
- Family size
- Health and health services
- Income and employment opportunity
- Socio-cultural values
- Proper spiritual Development
Bases of Quality of Life:
1. Basic Needs: – Quality of life can be measured by determining whether people are able to easily fulfill their basic needs or not.
2. Physical quality of life Index:- It refers to the indicator which shows the level of health status and educational attainment of a country. It is measured with following factors:
- The mortality rate of children under 5 years of age.
- Life expectancy Rate of Birth
3. Human Development Index (HDI): HDI is a measurement that indicates the level of human development of a place country which is calculated using three dimensions of human life health status educational attainment and economic status of people.
- It is represented by a number,3 digits after the decimal, which is between a and.
- 10 countries of the world having highest human development
- HDI of SAARC countries
Determinants of Happy Life and Human Development Index:
1. Determinants of Happy Life:
- Small Family: Easier To Manage Income And Their Basic Needs.
- Quality Education
- Marriage At Appropriate Age.
- First Conception At Appropriate Age
- Birth Spacing
- Health and Sanitation
- Nutritious food.
- Gender equality
- Responsibility of parents and children
2. Human Development Index: an indicator of human development calculated using dimensions of human life which are some of the responsible factors to bring happiness and quality life to people. It is introduced by UNDP in 1990 AD.
References: Mishra, AD, et al. Pioneer Chemistry . Dreamland Publication. Mishra, AD et al. Pioneer Practical Chemistry . Dreamland Publication Wagley, P. et al. Comprehensive Chemistry. Heritage Publisher & Distributors Pvt. Ltd.
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Helping families find the solutions that fit their unique family structure
What Is Family Life Education?
The National Council on Family Relations, www.ncfr.org, states:
Family Life Education is:
The educational effort to strengthen and enrich individual and family life through a preventive, family perspective. FLEs bring family research and best practices to individuals, couples, families and parents via an educational approach in order to build strengths and avert problems.
FLE emphasizes processes to enable people to develop into healthy adults and to realize their potential. FLE can help people work together in close relationships and facilitates the ability of people to function effectively in their personal lives and as members of society. FLE recognizes that all families can benefit from education and enrichment programs – not only those experiencing difficulties. While various professionals assist families, it is the family life educator who incorporates a family-systems, preventive, and educational approach to individual and family issues.
FLE includes knowledge about family dynamics and communication; the inter-relationship of the family and society; human growth and development throughout the lifespan; both the physiological and psychological aspects of human sexuality; the impact of money and time management on daily life; the importance and value of education for parenting; the effects of policy and legislation on families; ethical considerations in professional conduct; and a solid understanding and knowledge of teaching and curriculum development for what are often sensitive and personal issues.
Family life educators use many methods and settings to provide training to people who want to be more effective family members. Some examples of how FLEs work to strengthen diverse American families are:
• Co-parenting education and mediation for divorcing couples and direct offenders
• Promotion of family-friendly workplace policies and community awareness of the importance of strong marriages and families
• Developing programs promoting parenting education, and couple and family relationship enrichment
• Fostering the development of research-based, family-strengthening program offerings in schools, agencies, businesses, and faith communities
Families face substantial challenges. Stresses come from many directions and impose great burdens on families. There was time when most young people got family life training in informal apprenticeships with their parents.
Today, with greater challenges than ever before, we provide less training and preparation for family roles than we have in the past. It is no wonder that families feel overwhelmed by the challenges they face.
Many people feel that they know a lot about families because they grew up in one. Yet there are recent discoveries in family process that may surprise many people. Many of the processes that people assume to be helpful in families are not. Research continues to show new and better ways to become vibrant individuals, strengthen couple relationships, and raise healthy, balanced children. Examples of a few of the intriguing discoveries people should know include the following:
• Over the years many family professionals assumed that there was one best kind of relationship. Contrary to expectation, research by John Gottman shows that it doesn’t matter which of three primary kinds of couple relationship one has – volatile, avoidant or validating – all can be satisfying and enduring. But it does matter that we give five positives for each negative. Positivity is the key to closeness.
• Kindness may be more important in family relationships than communication skills.
• Children’s character and moral development may depend more on the cultivation of empathy than anything else.
• One characteristic of resilient children – those who flourish in spite of challenges – is that they have someone in their lives who is crazy about them.
• Teens that focus on serving others are less likely to get in trouble or drop out of school.
• The healthiest people are not the most realistic. Research shows that the healthiest people tend to be unrealistically optimistic.
• Emphasis on self-esteem may have created more problems than it solved.
• New discoveries in positive psychology provide better ways to thrive.
• We instinctively hope to solve problems by studying them, yet those who focus on problems in their relationships may create greater problems. Those who focus on strengths tend to transcend many problems.
• Controlling stress is not done by avoiding it, as much as using the resources we have and managing the way we think about it.
Since 1985, the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) has sponsored the only national program to certify family life educators. Certified Family Life Educators (CFLE) have training and experience in ten vital areas of family life education:
1. Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts
2. Internal Dynamics of Families
3. Human Growth and Lifespan Development across the Lifespan
4. Human Sexuality
5. Interpersonal Relationships
6. Family Resource Management
7. Parent Education and Guidance
8. Family Law and Public Policy
9. Professional Ethics and Practice
10. Family Life Education Methodology
To be a Certified Family Life Educator, one must
• Have at least a bachelor’s degree in education and/or family science field
• Have at least 3200 hours of work experience in family life education
• Pass the national certification exam covering the ten content areas above (Master’s level course work)
• Earn 100 continuing education credit hours in approved programming and in at least two content areas every 5 years
Family life education focuses on healthy family functioning within a family systems perspective and provides a primarily preventive approach. The skills and knowledge needed for healthy functioning are widely known: strong communication skills, knowledge of typical human development, good decision-making skills, positive self-esteem, and healthy interpersonal relationships. The goal of family life education is to teach and foster this knowledge and these skills to enable individuals and families to function optimally.
Sources: National Council on Family Relations: CFLE Certified Family Life Educator booklet; NCFR Fact Sheet from www.ncfr.org
Many people feel that they know a lot about families because they grew up in one. Yet there are recent discoveries in family process that may surprise many people. Many of the processes that people assume to be helpful in families are not. Research continues to show new and better ways to become vibrant individuals, strengthen couple relationships, and raise healthy, balanced children.
School Drillers
The 5 importance of family life education.
Family life education (FLE) is a field of study and practice that focuses on providing individuals and families with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to foster healthy relationships, navigate life transitions, and overcome challenges within the family unit. It encompasses a broad range of topics related to family dynamics, interpersonal relationships, parenting, communication , decision-making, and life skills.
The primary goal of family life education is to empower individuals and families to lead fulfilling lives by promoting the development of strong, resilient, and supportive family systems. This is achieved through various educational programs, workshops, counseling sessions, and community initiatives aimed at addressing the diverse needs and concerns of families across different stages of the life cycle.
In the intricate tapestry of human existence, the family stands as the foundational unit, weaving together individuals in a web of love, support, and shared experiences. Family life education (FLE) plays a pivotal role in nurturing healthy family dynamics and fostering personal growth within its members. Its significance transcends the confines of individual households, extending its influence to shape societies at large.
Here are the five vital importance of family life education in today’s world:
Promoting Communication and Understanding:
Effective communication lies at the heart of every thriving family. FLE equips individuals with the skills necessary to express themselves openly and empathetically, fostering an environment where conflicts are resolved amicably and bonds are strengthened. Through workshops, counseling sessions, and educational materials, family life educators impart techniques for active listening, conflict resolution, and negotiation, empowering family members to navigate through life’s challenges with grace and understanding.
Building Resilience and Coping Mechanisms:
In an ever-changing world fraught with uncertainties, resilience emerges as a vital trait for personal and familial well-being. Family life education instills resilience by nurturing adaptive coping mechanisms and fostering a sense of belonging and support within the family unit. By promoting discussions on stress management, coping strategies, and emotional regulation, FLE equips individuals with the tools needed to navigate through adversity, emerging stronger and more resilient in the face of life’s trials.
Fostering Healthy Relationships and Boundaries:
Healthy relationships form the cornerstone of a fulfilling life. Family life education imparts invaluable lessons on interpersonal dynamics, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect, trust, and boundary-setting within relationships. By exploring topics such as healthy communication patterns, conflict resolution strategies, and the significance of individual autonomy, FLE cultivates relationships built on a foundation of mutual understanding and support, thereby fortifying the fabric of family bonds.
Empowering Individuals and Families:
At its core, family life education is about empowerment—empowering individuals to lead fulfilling lives and empowering families to thrive as cohesive units. Through education on topics ranging from financial literacy and parenting skills to mental health awareness and decision-making, FLE equips individuals and families with the knowledge and resources needed to make informed choices and navigate life’s complexities with confidence. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth, family life education empowers individuals to realize their full potential and contribute positively to their families and communities.
Preventing Social Issues and Strengthening Communities:
Strong families form the bedrock of resilient communities. Family life education plays a vital role in preventing social issues such as domestic violence, substance abuse, and intergenerational conflict by equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to build healthy and supportive family environments. By promoting values of empathy, compassion, and inclusivity, FLE fosters a sense of community cohesion and social responsibility, laying the groundwork for a more harmonious and equitable society.
In conclusion, family life education serves as a beacon of hope and guidance in an increasingly complex world, nurturing strong bonds and resilient individuals within the fabric of family units. Its importance cannot be overstated, as it not only strengthens families but also shapes the trajectory of societies at large. By promoting communication, building resilience, fostering healthy relationships, empowering individuals, and preventing social issues, family life education paves the way for a brighter future—one grounded in love, understanding, and shared growth. As we continue to navigate the complexities of modern life, let us embrace the transformative power of family life education in shaping a world where every individual and family can thrive.
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Family life Education
Filter course, unit 1: concept of health, population and environment education.
- Concept of Health, Population and Environment Education
Unit 2: Family life Education
Unit 3: causes and effect of population change.
- Causes and Effect of Population Change
Unit 4: Natural Resources
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Unit 5: Caring For Earth
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Unit 6: Environmental Health
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Unit 7: Adolescence, Sexual and Reproductive Health
- Reproductive Health
- Adolescence and Sexual
Unit 8: Consumer Health
- Consumer Health
Unit 9: Primary Health Care and Safety Education
- Concept of Safety Education
- Concept of First Aid
- Artificial Breathing, Drowning, Electric Shock and Burns
- Sprain, Snake bite, Altitude Sickness, Earthquake and Flood
- Concept , Types and Mitigating of Risk
- Risks Induced by Human Activities
- Landslide, Avalanche and Glacier Lake Outburst Flood
Unit 10: Population Situation of Nepal and Environment
- Population Situation of Nepal and Environment
Unit 11: Population, Environment and Development
- Indicators of Developments
- Development of Human Resource
- Relationship Among Population, Environment, and Development
Unit 12: Demography, Population Change and its Management
- Demography, Sources of Population Data and Census
- Vital Registration System
- Factor Affecting Population Changes: The Birth
- Factors Affecting Population Change: Death and Migration
- Marriage and Areas Affected by Migration
Published by: Mandira
Published date: 10 Jan 2022
Family is a group of individuals who are sharing the same roof and related by blood, marriage and adoption. They interact as their designated roles for collective developments.
Introduction to Family Life Education
Family life education is that practice of education which help in the overall development of family members. The education, personality, character, labor, occupation and behavior of a person affect him/her directly or indirectly. Our physical, mental, social and emotional aspects affect our personality. Family life education provides great help to make family happy and to promote family welfare. The family life education helps to know about the changes seen in or body from the early age in our life. Our parents and our family will be happy if we can follow according to the knowledge of the various changes seen in our body. The family life education also helps to face different problems likely to come in family.
The importance of family education are given below:
- Family life education helps young people to deal with physical, emotional and social changes which takes place in the process of growing up.
- It makes them aware that they are becoming more and more sexually mature. It will guide them to from healthy sex attitudes and behavior.
- It makes them able to communicate effectively with others and make a decision about family life, relationship and members of the community.
- It enables them to establish and maintain proper relationships with the members of the family, friends and other people.
- It provides them knowledge, values and skills which are essential for adult life. Marriage, parenthood and participation are in community life.
Needs of Family
Every family needs certain things such as food, shelter, clothes, education and health services, etc. which are considered as the basic needs. All the family members are satisfied if all this things are provided to them. With the increase in the size of the family, the quantities of these things have to be increased. The head of the family has to think whether he/she is in the position to increase the quantities.
According to psychologist Abraham Maslow, the needs of family can be divided into following:
- Basic needs: The most rudimentary human needs, associated with the survival of human beings, are called basic needs. Human beings cannot survive in the absence of these things. One needs of food to eat, water to drink and house to live.
- Physiological needs: Physiological needs are associated with the function of body organ. If these needs are not fulfilled, the normal existence of life stops. No one can survive in the absence of water. Sex is biological needs of the youth. In its absence, the life is not continued. Therefore, physiological needs are at the lowest rank. After this, human being moves to safety needs. After one's stomach is full, s/he needs a safe environment. Cloth and shelter provide security from the general environmental torments and the foes.
- Additional needs: The secondary human needs, associated with career development and better living standard, are termed as additional needs. After the basic human needs are fulfilled or after the empty stomach becomes fulfill, human beings needs better life. He needs love, care, affection, respect, freedom and eventually self fulfillment.
Features of Nepalese family
Families have common features. It is based on the pedestal of love, responsibilities and duty. It is the network of different types of relationships and it is also the inheritor of cultural and social values of the earlier generation. Some distinctive features of family are given below:
- Nepalese family is monoandrous. One female marries with a single husband. The rate of disconnect and polyandry is also not so developed in Nepal.
- In Nepalese family, the load of house is still on the female. She is everything for all the household works. The fathers are expected to involve in non- domestic works.
- The number of single parent family is quite less. Both parents are found in the family.
- Nepalese families take relationships from the sheer emotional view. The family members do not take family relations from the point of view of duty alone. The relationship is one of nearness and harmony.
Planing of Family
Planning which makes family members happy through proper management and proper use of resources is called the planning of family. It is needed to make any families happy and prosperous. Proper planning of family can only work for welfare of the family. Family welfare is possible only with the appropriate planning of family. While planning a family we should consider things like family size, family health etc.
Responsibilities of Parents
The responsibilities of parents are meant by the role, efforts and contributions of the parents for the children's physical. Mental, social and emotional development as well as the development of other aspects so that children can develop themselves and contribute largely to the development of the society and nation. The life of the children will be in a trouble once the parents fail to understand their responsibilities towards them.
The important responsibilities of parents towards their children are given below:
- To give nutritious food and proper clothing.
- To develop a habitat for hardworking.
- To support moral life.
- To create healthy environment.
- To develop the concept of practical thinking.
- To help them lead an independent life.
- To take care of the children and provide them proper education.
- To lift the children according to the social values.
- To keep the children healthy and strong.
- To provide equal love and affection to both son and daughter.
A social phenomenon which establishes a kind of relation between male and female according to the social norms and values is known as marriage.It is a legal union of male and female as husband and wife.Marriage has been considered as moral base of male and female relationship from the ancient time and has occupied important status in every society.
Types of Marriage
- Monogamy: It is the process of being married only with one woman or man. It is the most practiced types of marriage in our society.
- Polygamy: Polygamy is a type of marriage in which one man is married to two or more than two women in the same time. This is further divided into two types, sororal and non- sororal. In the sororal type of polygamy, all the wives are from the same parent whereas, in non- sororal type of polygamy, all wives belong to the different parent or are from different parents or family.
- Polyandry: In this type, the woman is married to two or more than two men. This type of marriage is more common in Tibet, Africa, India and Mountain region of Nepal.
Age of Marriage
According to recent law of Nepal, male should be of 20 years and female should be of 18 years and requires their parents permission to get married.
Advantages of marriage at proper age
- Healthy child is born form physically, mentally, morally matured mother.
- Both male and female get opportunity to be educated.
- Both male and female get opportunity ti learn income generating skills and cab be employed easily.
- There is development of knowledge and understanding in parents.
- Parents get more opportunities to work in social and economical field.
- The age of studying, learning and playing cab be fully utilized.
- The size of family become small.
Disadvantage of early marriage
- There is less opportunity for parents to get education.
- Female reproductive organs have not been matured.
- Parents are bounded in family relations without utilizing their childhood rights.
- Females do not get opportunities to learn income generating skills.
- There is lack of appropriate knowledge about reproductive process, family planning etc.
- There is more possibility of unstable family relation due to early marriage.
Ageing Population
This world is dynamic. Our world is made up of all the living and non living creatures. All these creatures get old with time along with its motion. This is a natural process going continuously. IN the context of man, he is born and he goes on changing with the motion of time. The man becomes old by crossing the stage from infant to child, and from childhood to adolescence. The changing of the physical and corporal structure of body with motion of time is called ageing.
Family life education is the educational effort to strengthen individual and family life through a family perspective. The purpose of family life education is to enrich and improve the quality of individual and family life such as parenting, pre-marriage education, family finances, child-rearing, etc. as well as enable individuals and families ...
Family Life Education. Family life education is a way of educating and informing family members on important and general issues that are needed for the development of their formal, informal and social lives. It also refers to what teenagers should know about their sexual activity and reproductive health. Family life education is necessary ...
Family Life Education o Provides opportunities for individuals and families to enhance and improve their lives by providing the knowledge and skills needed for effective family living Levels of family life education o Level 1 Minimal face-to-face contact o Level 2 Information and advice o Level 3 Feelings and support o Level 4 Brief focused intervention o Level 5 Family therapy Family life ...
In Nigeria, the Education Research and Development Council views population education as 'An educational process which provides for an articulated and practical study of the population situation in the family, the community, the nation, and the word, with the aim of developing in the individuals a more rational attitude and responsible behaviour towards improving the quality of their life ...
Introduction to Family and Family Life Education: A family is a group of relatives living and dining under the same root who are related to each other by blood or marriage. Grandparents/ parents and children have their own position roles according to their age and status. Family life education is an awareness which educates people […]
Family life education aims at developing knowledge about physiological processe s of one's own body. It also creates an awareness regarding proper age of marr iage, and proper time for reproduction, the consequences to adolescent pregnancies and parenting and of alternatives to pregnancies and contraception. ...
7. Parent Education and Guidance. 8. Family Law and Public Policy. 9. Professional Ethics and Practice. 10. Family Life Education Methodology. To be a Certified Family Life Educator, one must • Have at least a bachelor's degree in education and/or family science field • Have at least 3200 hours of work experience in family life education
The family plays a vital role if good health is to be achieved. A family is a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, considered as a group. Meaning and types of family. A family is a social unit of two or more persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption and having a shared commitment to the mutual relationship.
It encompasses a broad range of topics related to family dynamics, interpersonal relationships, parenting, communication, decision-making, and life skills. The primary goal of family life education is to empower individuals and families to lead fulfilling lives by promoting the development of strong, resilient, and supportive family systems.
The family life education also helps to face different problems likely to come in family. The importance of family education are given below: Family life education helps young people to deal with physical, emotional and social changes which takes place in the process of growing up. It makes them aware that they are becoming more and more ...