Speed Typing Online

Free Online Typing Tutor

How to learn to type:, no looking at your keyboard.

This is important - don't do it!

Touch typing is a skill that uses muscle memory to know where the keys are without the sense of sight. You can't learn to swim without getting wet; likewise, you can't learn to touch type by looking down at the keyboard. It might be hard at first but hang in there, and in no time it will become so natural you'll forget the keyboard is even there!

Technique and Accuracy First

Concentrate on correct form (using the right fingering, etc.) and accuracy above all else.

Typing Tutor Features

Multiple lesson formats.

Two different typing lesson formats give you more options to choose how you like to learn:

- Classic Lessons

There is a reason why these repetitive lessons are so common: they work really well for those just starting to learn touch-typing.

For those just starting to learn touch-typing try these - they work!

- Advanced Lessons

These lessons are for those who might already have a basic understanding of the keyboard and need a quicker refresher or maybe learn some of the rarer keys better.

Advanced lessons are designed to move quicker through learning the keys while also introducing words instead of random letters.

Try both types of lessons to find the one you like best. Or, for best results, complete both sets!

Multiple Lesson Lengths

The lesson length dropdown (under the method tabs in the left sidebar) allows you to customize the length of each lesson.

Set target speed and accuracy

Now you have the ability to set typing goals for your typing lessons! Simply set the typing speed and accuracy you would like to achieve and the typing tutor will track your progress, letting you know which lessons you have completed and which ones you should repeat to achieve your goals.

As you improve and increase your target speed and accuracy, the tutor will automatically suggest lessons you should work on next!

Custom Lessons

Sometimes there are just a few keys you can't seem to remember. Simply enter the characters you wish to practice more in the left toolbar and click "Go!" to create a custom lesson for these keys, generated into random "words."

Restart Typing Lesson Hotkey

Keep your hands on the keyboard - use keyboard shortcut "Shift-Return" to restart the typing lesson to help you concentrate and keep your hands in the home position where they belong.

Practice Frequently!

This free online typing tutor was designed to help you learn to type as fast and easy as possible. Try a few lessons a day and you'll start to notice your fingers naturally move to the right keys. Even if it seems at times that you are making no improvement, keep on working at it and you will learn to type without looking! Remember to take breaks often though - its good for the body and for the learning!

Classic Lessons

Advanced lessons, custom lesson.

Enter characters:

  • TypingTest. com Typing Test

free typing tutor websites

Typing Trainer - 100% Free Online Tutor for Everyone

Typing Trainer is a web course that teaches you the efficient touch-type method for free. As a result you can double your typing speed and eventually type as fluently as you speak.

With our step-by-step approach you will learn the core keyboarding skills in web in just four hours - after that you're ready to use your new skill in everyday work. There's also over five hours of additional material covering speed building, numbers, symbols and more.

Step-by-Step Approach

Each lesson introduces a couple of new keys and provides a step-by-step training program from warm-ups and key drills all the way to fluent text entry.

On-Screen Keyboard

The on-screen keyboard makes learning new finger movements intuitive as it visualizes the paths your fingers should follow.

Motoric Warm-up

Before introducing new keys your fingers are warmed up and oriented for the new movements - this will make learning much easier and faster.

Word and Text Drills

Once you've learned the new key locations, they are integrated into the fluent typing process with varying word and text drills.

Smart Review

During training our web course detects those words you have difficulties with and then creates a targeted review exercise to hone them.

Skills Test

At the end of each lesson you can assess your current skills with a Skills Test to see if you need some extra practice.

How To Type

Free typing lessons, typing practice and typing tests., learn how to type with how-to-type.com, typing lessons, learn to type.

Graduate from hunt-and-peck to touch typing mastery with our complete course of free touch typing lessons.

  • Capital Letters
  • Punctuation

Typing Practice

Practice typing.

Practice is the key to developing excellent typing skills. Make it fun by typing great quotes from great books!

Typing Tests

Typing speed tests.

Evaluate your skills and measure your progress by taking a typing test.

How to Type: 5 Tips for Faster Typing

Learn to touch type..

If you don’t know how to touch type, this is where you need to start. Having the ability to type without looking at the keyboard is the most important factor in achieving a fast typing speed. Even if you have memorized many of the keys, unfamiliar keys will slow you down just like speed bumps on the freeway. Taking your eyes off the screen to peek at the keyboard disrupts your focus and costs you time. You want to be able to keep your eyes on the screen and your fingers moving to the correct keys without thinking. Achieving this kind of flow takes practice. The better you can do it, the faster you will be. Read on to learn how.

Aim for accuracy rather than speed.

It does not matter how fast you type if you have to go back and fix all your mistakes. Fixing mistakes takes more time than it does to just slow down and take the time you need to type accurately. Fast typing depends on developing precision muscle memory. Allowing yourself to type incorrectly will actually reinforce your bad habits and common mistakes! Slow your typing pace until you can attain 100% accuracy. If you come across a difficult word, slow down further to type it properly. Develop good habits and speed will be your reward.

Practice typing exercises regularly.

Mastering typing skills takes training and practice. Practice typing on a regular schedule, 10 minutes to an hour per session, depending on your energy and focus level. Practice won’t make perfect if it is half-hearted and full of mistakes, so is important that you practice your typing exercises at a time and place where you can maintain focus and accuracy. Eliminate any potential distractions. If you find yourself making lots of errors, slow down and find a way to regain your focus or call it a day. The goal of practicing is to build muscle memory. Be consistent and mindful in your practice and you will avoid bad habits and mistakes.

Minimize your physical effort.

The less work your fingers do to press the keys the faster you will be able to move them. Most keyboards require only a light touch to register a key stroke, so there is no need to mash the keys down. Type with the minimum force necessary. You will type faster, longer and with greater ease. Typing involves muscles not only in your fingers, but in your hands, arms, back, shoulders, neck and head.

Learn the entire keyboard.

You may have enough experience typing to know most of the common keys - the letters, the space bar, enter, and I’ll bet you know that backspace! But you might be uncomfortable with some of the keys you don’t use as frequently. Do you have to slow down and look at the keyboard to type a number or symbol? If you program or work with spreadsheets you will use the symbol keys frequently. If you are a gamer there are probably CTRL, ALT and function keys that you fumble for in the heat of the battle. In fact, most all programs can be used more productively with effectively use of key combo shortcuts. Hitting these awkward keys and combos accurately allows you to maintain focus on what you are doing, so make sure you include them in your typing practice.

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  1. Learn Touch Typing Free - TypingClub

    Learn touch typing online using TypingClub's free typing courses. It includes 650 typing games, typing tests and videos.

  2. Free Online Typing Tutor - SpeedTypingOnline

    This free online typing tutor was designed to help you learn to type as fast and easy as possible. Try a few lessons a day and you'll start to notice your fingers naturally move to the right keys. Even if it seems at times that you are making no improvement, keep on working at it and you will learn to type without looking!

  3. Typing Lessons - Learn To Type And Improve Typing Speed Free ...

    Learn to touch type and improve your typing speed with free interactive typing lessons for all ages. Start your typing practice now!

  4. Typing Trainer Online - 100% Free Online Typing Web Tutor!

    Typing Trainer - 100% Free Online Tutor for Everyone Typing Trainer is a web course that teaches you the efficient touch-type method for free. As a result you can double your typing speed and eventually type as fluently as you speak.

  5. How To Type - Free typing test, typing lessons and typing ...

    Practice typing on a regular schedule, 10 minutes to an hour per session, depending on your energy and focus level. Practice won’t make perfect if it is half-hearted and full of mistakes, so is important that you practice your typing exercises at a time and place where you can maintain focus and accuracy.

  6. Ratatype — Online Touch Typing Tutor and Typing Lessons

    Learn how to type faster 🎯. Take typing lessons on touch typing tutor Ratatype 💻, practice your keyboarding skills online, take a keyboarding speed test, and get a typing speed certificate for free.