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In the age of technology where everything is rapidly evolving, marketing goes into a more competitive environment than ever before. The Internet, globalization and digitization contribute to the markets. On the one hand, burst of information stems from all sides where potential customers have limited time to investigate and consider their purchasing decisions. On the other hand, supply of products is higher than demand, leading to oversaturated markets. The only certainty is that a well-structured marketing plan based on a solid marketing strategy is the foundation of a business plan, which constitutes the mean to reach the marketing goals and achieve the objectives (Slack, 2015). Specifically, it indicates the cornerstone for the actions that should be followed in order to display the product or service to potential and existing customers, thus its analysis is an issue which causes a great deal of debate. Considering the factors related to this topic, the question of what specific consequences arise when addressing this thesis must be elaborated. This research is particularly outstanding for the reader because it will describe the 4Ps of a well-known company, which is Coca-Cola, not to mention it will focus on how marketing environment factors of SWOT analysis affect its 4Ps. The aim of this specific report is to demonstrate the significance of micro and macro environment analyses where companies could apply the resources in the most effective way in order to further improve targeted marketing strategies and broaden selling capabilities.

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Cahiers du Centre d'Etudes Chypriotes

Les Cahiers du Centre d'études chypriotes sont mis à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale-Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International.

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