
Essay on “Poverty & its Causes” for CSS, PMS, and All Judiciary Examinations


  • July 28, 2021
  • Essay for CSS PMS and Judiciary Exam

This is an essay on “Poverty & its Causes” for CSS, PMS, and All Judiciary examinations. Poverty is the state of not having enough material possessions or income for a person’s basic needs. Poverty may include social, economic, and political elements. Absolute poverty measures compare income against the amount needed to meet basic personal needs, such as food, clothing, and shelter. Here I will also discuss Poverty, its causes, its impacts as well as its solution. So here is a complete essay on the topic of Poverty and its causes for CSS, PMS, and All other Judiciary Examinations.

Essay on “Poverty”

The word poverty is derived from the French word ‘Pauvre’, meaning poor. Material possession of having little or no more means to support oneself is called poverty. According to Ian Robertson, “poverty is the inability to maintain minimal standards of food, clothing, shelter and health care”.

Lewis said: “Poverty not only as economic deprivation, or the absence of something but also as a way of life , the personal of sub-cultural values and attitudes passed down from generation to generation”.

According to World Bank, “a person earning less than one US dollar,(60 rupees Pakistani) a day is called poor”.

Poverty is a condition in which a person or community is deprived of, and or lacks the essentials for a minimum standard of well-being and life. Since poverty is understood in many senses, these essentials may be material resources such as food, safe drinking water, and shelter, or they may be social resources such as access to information, education, health care, social status, political power, or the opportunity to develop meaningful connections with other people in society.

Poverty in Pakistan has historically been higher in rural areas than in urban areas. In terms of the number of poor, about 35 million out of the total of 47 million people estimated to fall below the poverty line, live in rural areas. Poverty rose more sharply in the rural areas in the 2000s, and as a result, the difference in the incidence of poverty between the urban and the rural areas increased from about 5 percentage points in FY2004 to 2011.

Poverty is a social problem of Pakistan with the fact that most of the people have limited economic resources and their standard of living is low. The people have been deprived of modern facilities in education, health, communication, and good food. Such people are worried due to lack of income resources and they are unable to fulfill their needs to live a life parallel to their neighbored: In this age of competition they feel deprived of their rights and inferiority complex prevails upon them. They feel shy in sitting with well-off families. They are not given marital relations with well-off people because they are disliked due to poverty.

These people are mostly illiterate and their friendship is with people of the same type. That is why their standard of life does not rise without education and economic resources. Poverty itself is a social problem because poor people are unable to follow the new trends and they fail to adopt new modes in social life.

Poverty is called to be a social problem because these people lag behind the advancing people and do not understand the way of progress. They are mostly frustrated when their needs in life are not fulfilled. In frustration, they become aggressive and may commit such acts which are criminal in nature. Due to hatred by others, they take reaction and get into criminal activities. They destroy the vehicles and property of rich people due to economic disparity. Sometimes a child of a rich man is abducted. Sometimes his car is lifted and sometimes a dacoity is put in his house. This leads to more heinous crimes like the murder of the rich man. In this way, poverty being a social problem creates other social problems of serious nature.

Causes of Poverty

There is a number of causes of poverty, which are given below: 

Lack of Getting Benefit with Natural Resources

We are unable to get economic resources from the natural environment gifted by God to us. It is the land, hills, mountains, rivers, and falls from which we can get wealth by our technical skills. We can control and divert the waters flowing from mountains into dams from which power can be generated and the canals for irrigation.

Avoid Low-Quality Work

The people of our nation avoid hard work and labor. They feel shy in working down in the street and on the road. They think themselves to be respectable by not working in labor but wearing a dress clean and tidy. This concept of respect and prestige puts them into dingy houses, dirty places to live, and low-standard food to eat with missing facilities of sanitation in their residential areas.

Lack of Hard Work leads to drug addiction

Such people who avoid hard work lead a life of poor men and mostly indulge in drug addiction. They get into heroin and other things of abuse. The prohibited acts get into their habits and they involve in delinquent activities, which leads to criminal actions in life.

Anti-Social Habits

Jobless and workless people also fall into such habits, which are anti-social like, gambling, drinking, cheating, theft, and robbery. Such people feel satisfied in associates of these types. They remain satisfied and get things stolen from the house for the fulfillment of their needs. Smoking and telling a lie are bad habits that develop in the general behavior of such workless adults. They are idle and useless persons hated by good citizens.

Lack of Religious Education

They avoid getting into religious education and hate the moral and cultural values of Islam. They disobey their parents and elders of the family. They walk late at night out of home in the company of associates of such habits. Ultimately they become criminals in adult life.

Wastage of Economic Resources

Another cause of poverty is wasting economic resources. If the savings are not protected, the family faces problems in the future. Ill health and other necessities of food and dress require money from saving. If saving is poor, then these problems create heavy tension and disturbance on the members of the family.


Unemployment is the most important cause of poverty. Those young men, who are unable to get jobs can do works of low standards available to them. They can work on farms. They can work in factories and in business centers at low wages. They feel shy to do so and consider these jobs to the below standards. In such cases, unemployment is self-created by them, because our culture is simple and non-technical.

Blame on Fate/Wrong Perceptive of Tawakal

Some people believe that it is fate, which is responsible for our poverty. No doubt it is true but the basic factor according to Shariat of Islam is work and hard work. According to a Hadith of Holy Prophet (peace be upon) “one should adopt any profession for earning his livelihood. Here adoption of the profession has not been said as the only principle. He must be an expert and highly qualified and trained in his profession that his work is free from mistake.

Wrong Religious Beliefs

Some people have wrong religious beliefs in future events of life. They say that Allah will forgive all sinners by virtue of His mercy. This is wrongly interpreted because Allah presented a principle of judgment between right and wrong on the Day of Judgment. Every good and bad event will be measured on the scale and man will be rewarded or punished accordingly.

Illiteracy is also a major reason for poverty where people who have better economic resources are victimized by this cause. As people of the rural areas of Pakistan sell their land and spend their whole life and money in judicial proceedings with their neighbors or counterparts without knowing and calculating the losses and benefits.

Impact of Poverty

There are various impacts of poverty which are given below: 

Caused Crime

When resources are not enough to meet the basic needs of life, people sometimes do not abide by the law and commit crimes. Due to poverty, economic crimes are committed in society such as robbery, dacoit, kidnapping, etc.

Poverty creates beggars in society. Most of the beggars in society are begging due to poverty not due to cultural constraints. This includes deaf, dumb, disabled, old aged, children, widows, etc.

Social evils

Poverty cerates social evils in society. Due to this, people are unable to follow the norms and values of society. As result, they become the victim of social evils.

Drug addiction

Generally, the poor are the victims of addiction like heroin, alcohol, marijuana, etc. these kinds of people are usually found on the footpath of the roads in an unconscious state. They even sometimes are unable to tell their name and whereabouts.

Violation of values and norms

Poor generally are unable to follow the norms and values of society, hence they violate for the sake of money, food, and shelter.

Low quality of life

Poor enjoy a low quality of life in every walk of life. They are unable to get a better education, avail themselves of better health facilities, live in a better place and house, and eat better, delicious, and hygienic food. Hence their quality of life is very poor.

Poverty negatively strikes on the health of the poor. It is observed that the poor do not enjoy better health. They are the victim of epidemics like malaria, cholera, gastro, and other severe diseases.

 Low social status

Due to the above-mentioned consequences and impacts of poverty; poor people do not enjoy better social status in society. They are considered at the lower bottom of society.

Solution of Poverty

In the end, I would provide some of the solutions to end this evil of poverty which are given below:

Elimination of unemployment

People should be given jobs. It should be the effort of the government that no one should remain unemployed. At least, everyone should earn and meet their own expenses of life.

Persuasion for labor and hard work

Unemployment should be converted into employment and hardworking. For this purpose, people who do not want to do menial work should be persuaded and given incentives to do all kinds of jobs.

Technical education to the beggar

Those who are poor and beggars may be given technical education. In this way, their potential will be utilized in a better way. For this purpose, special technical training institutes for the beggars may be started in every big city of the country.

Promotes a culture of saving

Our society is lacking in saving and people use to spend more than their income. This kind of attitude is one of the major factors of undergrowth and poverty. People should be given incentives and motivated to save more for the coming generation. This kind of culture may be promoted.

Technical and semi-technical education

People should be given technical and semi-technical education. This kind of education may be extended up to the rural areas because the incidence of poverty is more in rural areas than the urban areas. Finical assistance may also be given to such kinds of people.

Promotion of education

The importance and benefits of education and literacy may be conveyed to the people because education enables individuals to get better jobs in society. A special effort may be started for the rural areas because literacy is more in rural areas.

Women empowerment

Women are fifty percent of the population. A very little chunk of the women of our society are well educated and doing the job. They should be given technical and vocational skills so that they could start some work at their home. In this way, they will remain in the house and productively utilize their free time.

Improved agriculture

68% of the total population lives in rural areas. Most of them are attached to agriculture. If agriculture is enhanced and made more profitable business, positive impacts on the poverty reduction can be observed. Therefore, agriculture may be improved by introducing new technology, seeds, pesticides, and other agricultural inputs. Problems related to agriculture may also be addressed on a priority basis.

Better infrastructure

The status of infrastructure may also be improved. New roads, bridges, water supply schemes, and health facilities should be constructed up to the remote areas of the country. Farm to the market roads may also be constructed on an emergency basis because Pakistan is an agricultural country. It is needed for the time that farms should be well connected to the market.

Extension of microcredit

Already a number of microcredit organizations and banks like Punjab Rural Support Program, National Rural Support Program, Khushhali bank, and first microcredit bank are giving small credit to the poor people to start a business of the enterprise. This kind of ser1ices should be extended up to the remote rural areas of Pakistan.

Reduce population growth rate

The most important step is to reduce population growth. There should be harmony between economic growth and population growth. Without stopping it, every step taken to reduce poverty will be futile. So this should be given due importance.

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Poverty Alleviation in Pakistan

Photo of Muhammad Munib Rasool

Poverty alleviation in Pakistan remains an urgent priority, with an alarming percentage of its population living below poverty line. Poverty refers not only to income problems but also insufficient access to healthcare, education, clean water sources and other necessities of life. Government and non-government organizations have taken various steps to alleviate poverty. However much more must be done to guarantee every Pakistani has a decent standard of living.

Main Causes of Poverty in Pakistan

Lack of education and employment:

One of the main causes of poverty in Pakistan is due to inadequate education and job opportunities. A significant proportion of its population remains illiterate, making it hard for many individuals to secure well-paying work opportunities. Furthermore, economic growth hasn’t kept pace with population growth – meaning there simply aren’t enough job opportunities for every newcomer entering society. While government initiatives exist for education and vocational training efforts; their reach must be broadened further if we hope to tackle poverty successfully in Pakistan.

Lack of access to healthcare:

Lack of access to affordable healthcare is another contributor to poverty in Pakistan, leading to chronic illnesses and disabilities among many citizens who can’t access affordable medical treatment. Therefore, the government needs to prioritize health-related spending in order to provide all its citizens with quality healthcare coverage.

Agriculture Sector in Pakistan: Pakistan’s agriculture is one of its key economic pillars, employing a significant proportion of its population. Unfortunately, however, many farmers lack access to modern farming techniques and resources. Making it challenging to produce crops at competitive prices for sale. Therefore, governments should invest in modernizing agriculture through providing farmers with improved infrastructure access and resources.

Pakistan’s government has implemented various programs to combat poverty:

One of the most significant initiatives is the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP), which offers cash transfers to poor families in India. BISP has helped many meet basic needs and enhance living standards; yet expansion should occur to reach more people while guaranteeing sustainable benefits.

Non-government organizations (NGOs) have also played a pivotal role in alleviating poverty in Pakistan:

Many NGOs work closely with the government to implement programs that provide education, healthcare and job opportunities to those living in poverty. Furthermore, NGOs provide support for vulnerable groups such as women, children and people with disabilities. Poverty in Pakistan remains an urgent problem that must be effectively addressed; one cause being education and employment barriers which prevent many people from finding well-paying work opportunities. This problem is compounded by slow economic growth rates. Which limit employment creation thereby leaving many without any source of income.

Government initiatives to combat poverty include:

Initiatives designed to advance education and vocational training must be expanded so more people have access to them. Furthermore, government spending on healthcare must be prioritized so all citizens have affordable health coverage. Without this access many suffer from chronic illnesses which lead to disabilities and ultimately poverty.

Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) is one of the government’s key initiatives designed to alleviate poverty:

The program provides cash transfers to poor families, helping many meet basic needs and increase living standards. But for it to remain effective and provide lasting benefits, it must expand further so it reaches more individuals.

Poverty in Pakistan is a multifaceted issue that necessitates sustained efforts from government and nongovernmental organisations in order to address.

The government should prioritize spending on education, healthcare and modernizing agriculture sectors. Poverty alleviation programs like BISP must also be expanded so as to reach more people while simultaneously guaranteeing lasting benefits. Through sustained efforts it may be possible. To bring down poverty levels in Pakistan while simultaneously raising living standards of millions.

To properly address poverty in Pakistan, it is crucial to examine other contributing factors.

These factors include corruption, political instability and poor infrastructure.

There’s an old proverb: when one door closes, two more open up. So it is with this project of ours. We wish for the best and for this day and age of life we need only look towards heaven for answers – which means in this regard… Corruption: Corruption remains a pressing issue in Pakistan that negatively impacts numerous areas of society and economy alike. Corruption undermines economic development by restricting job prospects and driving up costs of living for ordinary citizens, making poverty harder to address effectively. For this reason, in order to combat poverty effectively the government should take measures against corruption while simultaneously increasing transparency.

Political Instability: Pakistan’s poverty problem is also affected by political instability. With frequent government changes and turmoil disrupting economic development and job opportunities. To effectively combat poverty, Pakistani authorities should strive towards political stability by guaranteeing continuity in economic policies. While building investor confidence.

Poor infrastructure is another critical factor that contributes to poverty in Pakistan:

Communities without access to essential amenities, including clean water, electricity and transport can find it challenging to gain access to education, healthcare and job opportunities. In order to address poverty effectively. Governments should prioritize infrastructure development projects in rural areas as this will provide easier access to basic services as well as create employment opportunities.

Gender inequality is also an ongoing challenge in Pakistan:

Gender inequality is another significant issue in Pakistan, with women often facing barriers to education and employment opportunities. Addressing gender inequality is integral to combatting poverty there as it empowers women with access to better education, employment opportunities and living standards for families.

Pakistan: Elimination of Poverty

Reducing poverty requires a multipronged approach that considers various contributing factors. Government should combat corruption, promote political stability, prioritize infrastructure development and address gender inequality to effectively alleviate it. Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) also play a vital role in this regard and should partner with government to implement sustainable programs. Which provide education, healthcare services and employment opportunities to those living in poverty. By taking such steps Pakistan can significantly lower poverty and raise living standards among its people.

Pakistan: Does poverty alleviation pose a challenging task?

Alleviating poverty is a difficult challenge for any nation, including Pakistan with its vast size, population and diverse socioeconomic conditions. Over 220 million people reside within its borders with many living below poverty level requiring sustained efforts, resources and policies that bring about lasting changes within its economy and society.

One of the key obstacles in Pakistan to alleviating poverty is its slow economic growth rate:

Pakistan suffers from limited job creation and limited opportunities for people to earn a decent living. Furthermore, political instability, corruption and security concerns threaten economic development efforts and poverty alleviation efforts.

An overwhelming population poses an obstacle to poverty alleviation:

Population density and cultural diversity create additional obstacles to effective poverty alleviation programs in Bangladesh. Some communities, especially rural ones, lack access to basic services like education and healthcare limiting their effectiveness as poverty reduction strategies.

Poverty alleviation requires significant resources:

Poverty alleviation requires extensive resources, including funding, skilled manpower and infrastructure development. Given Pakistan’s limited resources, allocating enough money towards poverty reduction can be challenging while still meeting pressing economic and social needs.

Progress made toward poverty relief:

Pakistan has made progress in alleviating poverty through various initiatives, including the Benazir Income Support Program and education and vocational training programs. Yet more needs to be done to ensure poverty-alleviation efforts reach even those most in need.

Reducing poverty in Pakistan can be an uphill struggle: poverty reduction presents many difficulties and demands a multipronged strategy to be successful.

Attaining this goal requires consistent efforts, resources, and effective policies. Though Pakistan faces its share of obstacles when addressing poverty through various initiatives, with continued efforts from government and other stakeholders the country could make significant strides toward alleviating poverty and improving living standards among its people.


Poverty in Pakistan is an increasing problem, affecting large portions of its population and impeding economic and social progress. To effectively tackle poverty, an approach addressing all its causes must be employed; one that addresses factors that contribute to it such as corruption, political stability issues, infrastructure development needs and gender disparities among others. NGOs as well as other stakeholders can assist these efforts through sustainable poverty relief programs.

Pakistan faces the daunting challenge of alleviating poverty; this task poses great difficulty and must be approached carefully.

Poverty reduction is an ongoing challenge in Pakistan; however, progress has been made through various initiatives like the Benazir Income Support Program, education and vocational training programs as examples. More needs to be done however for sustained and effective poverty alleviation efforts to reach vulnerable communities effectively.

Reduce poverty in Pakistan requires the participation and dedication of everyone within government:

Reducing poverty in Pakistan will require joint effort from government, nongovernmental organizations, citizens, and all of those working to ensure its successful management – from policies that support sustainable resources through to actions taken at individual and community level. By tackling poverty effectively in Pakistan, living standards will improve for its inhabitants while economic growth and stability will flourish as generations look forward.

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Well written sir

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Friday, december 28, 2012, essay - poverty in pakistan, poverty in pakistan.

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Amazing concept. We all know that Pakistan pass away their hard time now. May god bless them.


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